Everyone needs science, and science needs everyone. In this webinar, I will help you plan ways to center diversity in your science class. I will share tools for reflecting on our own science identity, connecting science language with equity language, integrating diverse scientists, and responding to pushback in your school community. I will share my Framework and ready-to-use lesson materials for K-12, with a focus on my area of expertise: teaching about gender, race, and socioeconomic class in high school biology and chemistry. Bring your questions and resources to share.
Everyone needs science, and science needs everyone. In this webinar, I will help you plan ways to center diversity in your science class. I will share tools for reflecting on our own science identity, connecting science language with equity language, integrating diverse scientists, and responding to pushback in your school community. I will share my Framework and ready-to-use lesson materials for K-12, with a focus on my area of expertise: teaching about gender, race, and socioeconomic class in high school biology and chemistry. Bring your questions and resources to share.