Picnik.com launches back to school ideas
A friend of mine who now works for Picnik (or should I say Google seeing that Picnik was recently purchased by them), the online photo editing website passed along these little suggestions this week.
New for Back to School
We just launched some handy tools that make it easy to create photo-personalized blog headers, newsletters, desk name tags, and class photo frames. It’s as easy as dragging photos into our back to school templates. Really, it’s that easy–and these back to school templates are free. Learn more.
Get and share ideas about Picnik in class
Thanks to suggestions from teachers around the world, we’ve also put together a list of suggested Picnik activities to use with your students. We’re always looking for more innovative ways to use the product in school, so if you have any ideas, please share them in the educator section of our Feedback Forum.
If you haven’t used Picnik before you are in for a treat. Straight forward simple, and loads of options. Create a class account and have your kids editing pictures like a pro in no time flat!
[…] Picnik.com launches back to school ideas A friend of mine who now works for Picnik (or should I say Google seeing that Picnik was recently purchased by them), the online photo editing website passed along these little suggestions this week. New for Back to School . […]