The official release of

The official release of

OK, so it’s all I’ve been able to do to hold off these past three weeks to announce something that might just blow up in my face….feel free to laugh if it does. After reading Will’s post, Discovering Content, I’ve decided it’s time to bring to the masses. This will be a long one…so be prepared, but let me […]

Building an IT Plan and a 21st Century Learning Environment

Building an IT Plan and a 21st Century Learning Environment

Let’s say that your school board has created a new vision that states: By 2012, (your school) will be recognized as a leading international school in Asia and the world by providing a rich cultural and social learning environment for families who seek an exemplary core American educational program. (Your school) will prepare each child for academic and personal success […]

A scary conversation

A scary conversation

So in technology class we are moving on to our next topic Social and Ethical web use. I was thinking that today would be a good conversation. I was prepared, had a couple of examples ready, and then…the students walked in. I set up my iRiver to record the conversation. Not sure if I’ll post it or not because it […]

Digital Photography Class using Flickr to showcase art

Digital Photography Class using Flickr to showcase art

A teacher in our middle school is running a digital photography elective. She came to me a week ago and asked about a place to host the pictures for all to see and to share with the wider school community. Guess what? You are the wider school community. Their first project was to take 3 to 5 pictures that represent […]

What motivates teachers?

What motivates teachers?

So it’s Sunday night before I find any time at all to look at my netvibes page and the 200+ readings waiting for me. Pick and choose it the only way to get through them, although I know I’m missing some good stuff. I did find time at 6am this morning to submit 4 entries to the K12 online conference. […]

Empowering Students

Empowering Students

I live this stuff, preach this stuff and yet when I see it happen I canÂ’t help but smile and think just how incredible it all really is. Sometimes, like Thursday in class, a student will say something, or will make a comment that just brings it all in and makes it real. “I canÂ’t believe I really have something […]

The History of Technologies now on YouTube!

The History of Technologies now on YouTube!

[gv data=”–U8Rk”][/gv] Not all of them are uploaded yet, but seeing that it’s almost Friday here thought I’d post. This is one of my favorites on the history of IBM. Check out the other videos here. Please leave comments or rating for the videos, as they will be included as part of the assessmnet of this project. Enjoy! 🙂

I love this stuff

I love this stuff

So I’m sitting in class right now with my 7th graders. They are busy working on their digital stories that on Thursday we will upload to youtube. For those of you who might be out of the loop, youtube is THE site right now for teenagers. They are all over that site. Myspace is dead and youtube is it. Of […]

Unleashing the Potential-a China approach

Unleashing the Potential-a China approach

I have to start by giving David Jakes a big thank you for inviting me to be apart of the blog. If this is your first time visiting The Thinking Stick I welcome you and hope you find something here thought provoking, useful, or interesting. If not, oh well I tried. 🙂 A quick background for those that are […]