So yesterday the Thinking Stick went down. You might have noticed the feed not working. If you recieve this I guess that means I was successful on moving the Thinking Stick to it’s new/own domain. More later as I continue to move the site.

So yesterday the Thinking Stick went down. You might have noticed the feed not working. If you recieve this I guess that means I was successful on moving the Thinking Stick to it’s new/own domain. More later as I continue to move the site.
Move to China! The Chinese must have just reconfigured their filter as wikipedia is in and out and blogger and bloggspot are now completely blocked along with technorati. I knew it was to good to be true. I can still receive the feeds via my netvibes page, but can not view the pages for commenting purposes. Effectively making the Read/Write […]
Technorati Tags: k12online, k12online06
After an hour of watching some of the Basic/Advance Training sessions, we came back together to reflect on what we’ve learned. Mark Wagner was a big hit with the ladies. 🙂 The sound quality isn’t as good, as just a couple seconds into the podcast the external mics came unpluged. Luckily the computer switched over to the internal mic right […]
If you read my techlearning article this week you know the kind of week I’ve had. It’s interesting that you can have a week like this where nothing goes right and one good day can make all the frustrations worth it. Friday was that day (Maybe because I was wearing jeans) I had three great classes on Friday. In my […]
So here is part two of our discussion of A Week in the Classroom strand. Enjoy! Music Night On The Town by Little Feat Found at Technorati Tags: k12online, K12online06
I’ve been playing with Firefox 2.0 today. What a great upgrade to an already great program. Of course what makes Firefox so great are the free extensions and how you can create the perfect browser to fit your needs. Here is a list of extensions I’ve added that I think are must haves for any blogger. Delicious Bookmarks: Love the […]
I’ve been really busy lately, but having a night like we had last night makes it all worth it. Last night was our first of four Shanghai LAN parties around the K12online conference. We had some great food that my Ayi (Maid) made for us, drinks, and just plain fun! This podcast is our discussion about David Warlick’s keynote for […]
I was sent this link from my friend Reece Lennon in Dubai. In the e-mail he simple writes: With all your talk of online communities and a flatting world, I figured you’d be interested in this. Very cool. I think the video’s description says it all: The World’s First Web Band have found each other on YouTube. They only know […]