NECC07: A Computer on Every Desk? Now What?
(Late to the session…breakfast with Tim Lauer worth it!)
Presenter James Gate
Talking about how great Moodle. (I’m a huge Moodle fan…but if you use Blackboard that good too…I really don’t care what you use as long as you use something!)
-Use the blog feature in Moodle with tags to take notes in class. Great idea!
-Can connect the two with a module (We did this for a bit….love the idea but elgg is not a smooth program for a individual install on you own server.)
Set up network with inboxs, outbox, and sharebox. (This is what we are setting up next year…looking forward to the new network.)
Only about 10 people in the room have an aggregator 🙁
Collaborate with Google Docs
How do you keep kids from chatting within Google Docs? (My thought…what a great use of Google Chat…note taking, discussions, interaction…all within one document that can be saved and printed or graded if needed.)
Showing SplashCast media. Check it out!
Showing The Universal Timeline Aggregator
Showing PantherPress (Using Joomla great looking site! Our high school kids set this up on their own! The Unofficial school newspaper of SAS-Puxi High School)
Technorati Tags: n07s621, necc, necc07, necc2007