
A great quote
I was talking with a High School teacher this weekend and she was asking me if I could help her connect two VCRÂ’s together so she could copy a tape. She said she asked a boy in her class to help her and he said:
“How old do you think I am? I don’t have a clue how to run a VCR!”
I laughed for hours about this. Here is a teacher trying to use a VCR in her class, yet a VCR is so ‘old school’ to even high school students today. Heck I still remember getting our first VCR at home with an attached remote that had a 15 foot cord. We thought it was so cool. You could sit on the couch and record TV shows and not have to move to hit the pause and record button to skip the commercials.
Times they are a changinÂ’!
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