A Little R&R
Just got back from a relaxing weekend on the Island of Hainan. Took some time to catch up on some reading that IÂ’ve been meaning to do.
Ian Jukes
“Education at the Crossroads”
“Moving the Educational Debate”
“Beyond Technology to the New Literacy/Shifting Gears Workshop”
Marc Prensky
“Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”
“Do They Really Think Differently”
Carr, David, K. (1996) “Managing the Change Process: A Field Book for Change Agents, Consultants, Tem Leaders, and Reengineering Managers. McGraw-Hill, New York, New York
I did however find myself itching to get back to a computer and catch up on my blog reading. I have made reading Blogs a daily habit and found that when I had some spare time by the pool, I wish I would have had a wireless connection so I could have caught up on that reading as well. Now itÂ’s back to working on preparing students for the 21st century.