Publishing (1.0) vs Creating (2.0)

Publishing (1.0) vs Creating (2.0)

IÂ’ve been doing some thinking lately about some of the mind sets we have to help teachers get past in order to move into the 2.0 world. One thing thatÂ’s been on my mind lately is the way computers were used 10 years ago and the way they could/should be used today. 10 years ago technology in schools was mainly […]

What blogs are you missing?

What blogs are you missing?

There is no better way to know what you should be reading then to take a glance at this years Edublog Awards short list. Congratulations to those of you that made the list! Many names I recognize and others I had no idea existed. ItÂ’s a great way to get your bloglines account and your podcasting feeds up-to-date.



OK, so here is a little frustration for you. There are all these technology people writing books about digital information, the digital age, and the use of the internet and technology, do you think I can find one book IÂ’m looking for in e-reader format or just in e-book format? Not a one! So here is a call out to […]

RSS Help

RSS Help

OK, IÂ’m starting to get really frustrated that I canÂ’t visit blogs at blogspot. I am in the middle of reading Anne DavisÂ’s EduBlog Insighst and she links to two other blogs, both at Is there anyway I can get the rss feeds from others out of their bloglines account? If I had the rss feed address I could […]

Ed Tech Coast to Coast Podcast

Ed Tech Coast to Coast Podcast

Please tell me IÂ’m not the only one that loves to see another Ed Tech Coast to Coast podcast show up in my iPodder? I was listening to the podcast as I was publishing my 84 student blog articles this morning (about the average coming from the 128 5th graders). What a great way to start your morning off thinking […]

Flex vs. Fixed Schedules and TIM

Flex vs. Fixed Schedules and TIM

As I work through Flex vs. Fixed scheduling, I have to say I could not have found a better place to layout my thoughts then the edblogosphere. I canÂ’t think of another place where I would have the opportunity to bounce ideas off of Doug Johnson, Christopher Harris, and Michael Arsenault (especially being in Shanghai) and have them respond to […]

The start of a conversation

The start of a conversation

There is nothing like money to get a conversation started about technology. The problem isÂ…you talk about technology. Yesterday we had a budget meeting going over the schoolÂ’s technology purchase request, everything from MP3 players so Kindergarteners can record themselves reading to laptops to expand the 5th grade program. The meeting lasted about 2 hours as we looked over each […]

Talking with Jersey

Talking with Jersey

I’ve been meaning to do an article about my conversation with Will, but have found myself in more meetings than at a computer…never a good thing when you’re a techie. I, like Will, was amazed at the clarity of the call a half a world away. It was the first time I had used Skype to the States and I […]

Learning is Conversation v1.1

Learning is Conversation v1.1

I title this ‘Learning is Conversation v1.1Â’ because I think it goes very nicely with what John wrote titled Learning is Conversation. He posted his first, so IÂ’m calling mine v1.1 In the Professional Development course IÂ’m teaching using Moodle there have been some great conversations around information and moving teachers into the mind set of Connectivism learning, Connectivism teaching, […]

Tech/Library Flex Scheduling in Elementary School

Tech/Library Flex Scheduling in Elementary School

I have a meeting next week with my administration about flex scheduling of tech lab time. So, I thought I would put my thoughts to yÂ’all in the blogosphere to help me out and give me your thoughts on the following. I work in an elementary school and we are trying to move to what they call a “Flex Schedule” […]