Great Break

Great Break

Great Wall Originally uploaded by jutecht. Back in Shanghai after 3 wonderful days in Beijing highlighted by a 4 hour walk on the Great Wall that both my wife and I are paying for today. I did not touch a computer or get on the Internet all 3 days, but felt more connected to history and the Earth then I […]

Staff Development 21st century style

Staff Development 21st century style

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you celebrating. My wife and I leave later today for Beijing to have Beijing Duck for our Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully IÂ’ll have some great pictures to share with you all when I return. All this talk about staff development has my head spinning, and I couldnÂ’t resist the temptation to pick up my thinking stick […]

Millennials usher in a new era

Millennials usher in a new era

The ‘millennials’ usher in a new era My friend just sent me this link. Go read it right now. I’m putting it here for my own reference. Some great quotes/research: By only their seventh birthday, most children in the United States will have talked on a cell phone, played a computer game and mastered a TV-on-demand device like TiVo, much […]



Tim where do you find the time? Another great program Tim found and one that I am really excited in Gizmo works like Skype but you can record the conversations. Plus the cost of computer to phone calls is cheap. IÂ’ve downloaded it and created an account jutecht12 weÂ’ll see how it works in China. Give me a call, just […]

Remixing Conversations and Connective Writing

Remixing Conversations and Connective Writing

I never knew I had such a following on my blog until that last post on NETS 2.0. The interesting thing for me is, I wrote that about the same time David Warlick was writing about Conversations and Will Richardson was writing about connective writing. Now IÂ’m trying to get my head around all of this. IÂ’m sure IÂ’m going […]

NETS in the 2.0 World

NETS in the 2.0 World

IÂ’m sitting in a Technology Curriculum meeting at the moment where we are looking at our student technology standards and benchmarks for our school. We, as most schools are looking at the NETS. The nets were last updated (as far as I can tell) in 2001. So, to move the NETS into the 2.0 world. I did a find and […]

Just a thought!

Just a thought!

After reading the Disruptive postings by John Pederson I had a thought. Anybody out there in the blogosphere wants to join the PD course IÂ’m running in Moodle? It would be great to have another disruptive factor in the class. No pressureÂ…just a collaborative thought. 😉

Cross Country online PD Course

Cross Country online PD Course

When I mean cross country IÂ’m not talking the U.S. IÂ’m talking across multiple countries. Yesterday, I stared a Professional Development course training teachers how to implement Moodle into their classroom. There are 27 teachers taking the course from 3 different countries. These teachers work at American international schools in China, Saudi Arabia, and the U.A.E. IÂ’m excited for this […]

Desktop Sidebar as an Aggregator

Desktop Sidebar as an Aggregator

Sorry Apple folks, this is a PC one! (I run both platforms, so no need for OS comments.?) I find the Desktop Sidebar a great tool to use as an aggregator. It docks itself on the right hand side of your screen so that you donÂ’t have to start a separate program when you want to view your RSS feeds. […]

A great quote

A great quote

I was talking with a High School teacher this weekend and she was asking me if I could help her connect two VCRÂ’s together so she could copy a tape. She said she asked a boy in her class to help her and he said: “How old do you think I am? I donÂ’t have a clue how to run […]