So a new school year is upon us, as today was the first day for students at ISB. I spent the first hour helping new middle school students find their way around the school….what fun. ISB set a new record for the amount of new students this year. A HUGE turn around year with 100s of families leaving and 100s […]
Officially a Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer
In May I noticed I was being asked to hold more and more trainings at my own school and around the world on Google Apps as schools make the move to Google Apps for Education (GAFE). It’s simple, cost effective, and just so vaulable of a resource to have school wide that making the argument not to go to GAFE […]
Google Apps, WP Blogs, Moodle
View from my place in bangkok Still trying to remember where my summer went, I find myself back in Bangkok and preparing for the year ahead. This could be a big tech year for my school. Things are in place to start really using technology in some innovative ways. Not that we haven’t in the past, but the systematic changes […]
Learning, Processing, Reflecting
The problem is once overwhelemed the brain stops processing information, you stop learning, and things go down hill from there.Â
Laptop Institute: Focusing on What’s Next
Starting to awake from my summer slumber and getting back into things. I find myself once again somewhere over Montana on my way to Alan November’s BLC Conference in Boston. This will be my 3rd year presenting at BLC and its timing always marks the end of my summer vacation. A couple weeks ago though I spend four days in […]
World Virtual School Symposium
I hate missing ISTE this year but don’t worry it’s for a good cause. Over the past three days I have been meeting with other international education regions to discuss the World Virtual School Project (WVS). At the moment this is an International School project being driven by the Department of State: Overseas Schools Division. The history of the project goes […]
My Thoughts on America
Flickr ID: clappstar I can’t believe I have been back in the States three weeks already. Summer goes way to fast. Family, friends, and the continued remodel of our condo has filled my time which has kept me away from the computer…that’s a good thing when it comes to vacation time though. 🙂 Now I find myself some 30,000 feet over […]
A Year in the High School
As the school year draws to a close (one week left for us here in Thailand) I find myself reflecting on my first year here in the high school. The accomplishments I’m proud of, the failures to celebrate and the future that is so exciting. Accomplishments: by Aidan Jones First and foremost are the relationships I’ve built this first year. […]
Secondary Principals Support Mobile Learning
by alphadesigner I always get excited when national international organizations (members in 45 countries) come out with statements that encourage the use of technology for learning purposes. Partly because my beliefs in the future of education and the tools students need to succeed, but also because it’s one more organization we can lean on as leaders. The National Association of […]
When We Allow Their Imaginations to Shine
Step 1: Watch this Step 2: Read the reflection Step 3: Ponder the creativity and the ideas that come forth when we empower students and then get out of the way so they can learn. Step 4: Leave Sarah a comment. I’m once again left thinking about Dan Pink’s book Drive and the power of Autonomy, Purpose and Mastery […]