Just a quick announcement that I will be running a Webinar as part of the Intel Education Community on December 1, 2010 5:00pm PDT/ 8:00pm EDT (click on the link to register.) Here’s the discription: Using Cell Phones and Scan Codes in the Classroom You’ve probably started seeing these scan codes popping up around your neighborhood, in stores, on packages, and […]
Autonomy, Purpose, Mastery
I’ve been reflecting a lot on Dan Pink’s new book Drive and thinking about how this applies to education and the work we ask students to do. My wife recently took 10 Middle School students on an Operation Smile trip into the mountains of Thailand near the Burma boarder. The Middle Schoolers spent their time playing the kids who came […]
A Challenge to be a Green Traveler
In the month of October I traveled somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 miles. Yes, way to many miles for any one person to fly. It was somewhere on my third flight as I looked out the window at the two engines of the 747 that I started feeling guilty. Sense I started using tripit.com to organize my flights in […]
My 25% PD
Have you ever had one of those days that it seems like every link you click on is perfect, makes you think, or say to yourself “Thank god….I’m not crazy”? That was yesterday for me. I feel like yesterday I might have actually met my 25% PD Time. This is a series of blog posts that I started back in February of […]
Online Community Manager: A New Position in Education
The more I talk to administrators, present to school boards, and persuade educators that we can no longer ignore social-networks the more I am understanding that what schools/districts need is a new position. Now I’m sure in this current state of economy we find ourselves in that this won’t happen for a lot of schools, but I do believe private schools and […]
The Blurred Lines
Today at school I answered personal e-mail, updated my Facebook status, Tweeted, looked up flights for winter break, and even read articles that didn’t pertain to school. And they say we’re becoming less productive at work. What really is happening is the line between our work life and our social life is becoming blurred more and more every day. It […]
’11 the year of the QR Code
I’m so confident in my pick for what 2011 will be about that I’m publishing it before Thanksgiving Holiday in the States. Before we begin let’s take a look at the history of my predictions. 2007: The Year of the Network (Can we say Twitter and Facebook) 2008: The Year of the “Live Web” (Ustream.tv and other services take off) 2009: Bringing […]
A 5 country brain dump
I find myself sitting here in Kota Kinabaul, Malaysisa reflecting on what has been a 5 country, I don’t know how many presentation, month. From Bahrain to Iowa with Asia and Australia in between, it’s been an amazing month of travel and I find myself thinking and reflecting on all I’ve been talking about and learning along the way. So […]
SIM Unlocked iPhone now works on AT&T GoPhone Plans
Update: This same process works for iOS 4.2.1 the latest version for the iPhone Finally….after 3 years of searching for a good plan that short timers that come to the US for business or pleasure can use with their iPhone and take advantage of all it has to offer is here. Now…of course they don’t make it straight forward as […]
Iowa Educational Leaders Seeing the Connections
Today I find myself in downtown Minneapolis after driving in last night from working with educational leaders in northern Iowa. I was looking forward to getting out and walking around the city, but it so happens I arrived the same time a winter storm has hit with high winds and what’s this white stuff I see falling from the sky? […]