Getting Started in Ed Tech

Getting Started in Ed Tech

Everyone has their signs for when summer is over and a new school year is upon us. For me that sign is a 17+ hour trip from Seattle back to Bangkok. Plenty of time to change your state of mind and a clear sign that the new school year is just around the corner. This summer while in the States […]

Reach now 15% off at LuLu and available at Amazon

Reach now 15% off at LuLu and available at Amazon

Two great birthday gifts came my way today via and First is giving everyone 15% off the purchase of Reach meaning it now cost $8.14 through August 15th. Secondly Reach is now available via I’m still working on the Kindle and iPad edition…shooting for August with those. If you happened to get in on the free download of […]

Overcoming Our Fears

Overcoming Our Fears

(Cross Posted on November Learning) When it comes to keynote speakers, nobody can ever match the line-up that the November Learning team puts together for BLC. Once again an amazing line up of thinkers outside of K-12 Education stretching us to think where we need to be taking kids and schools. Mitch Resnick opened the conference with a very simple […]

ISTE 2010 – Reflections

ISTE 2010 – Reflections

I have 30 minutes before I leave for the airport and head back to Seattle for what’s left of my summer vacation. As I reflect on this years ISTE conference a couple things come to mind. WiFi:A HUGE shout out to the organizers and the Convention Center. By far this has been the best WiFi access at any ISTE conference […]

Policies, Safety, and Social Networking ~ Steve Dembo ISTE10

Policies, Safety, and Social Networking ~ Steve Dembo ISTE10

“I want my student to be found, he already has 3,000 hits on Google.” How many people are uploading pictures of their babies the day they are born? First and Last name with Birth Day. 84 Billion Dollars spend on a filter in Australia cracked in 30 minutes by a 16 year old. Over 50% of schools in the US […]

Are we teaching Networked Literacy

Are we teaching Networked Literacy

The two best sessions for me at Edubloggercon today at ISTE2010 ended up talking about Networks and teaching how to use networks with students. For lack of a better term we called it “Networked Literacy” I first started thinking about this back in August after reading Writing in the 21st Century by Kathleen Yancey (worth your time). Based on that […]

Are Wikis Dying?

Are Wikis Dying?

ISTE 2010 Conference here in Denver is starting off on a positive note for me. Today was the EduBloggerCon, and as usual we had some great discussions around the future of tools and learning. I facilitated one of the first sessions of the day titled “Are Wikis Dying?” It’s a question I’ve been wrestling with every since Dennis Harter made […]

2,669 Downloads of Reach!

2,669 Downloads of Reach!

Thank you for helping to support the launch of my first book Reach. Here are the final numbers of the downloads in case you were wondering. This Blog: 2,151 U Tech Tips Blog: 77 Twitter: 403 LinkedIn: 1 Facebook: 37 Completely blew away any expectations I had on giving away the book. I appreciate your support, your comments, and your […]

803 Downloads to cap off a week to remember

803 Downloads to cap off a week to remember

(Prepare yourself it’s a long one!) (Read to the bottom to find out why it took me over 12 hours to post this reflection!) What a week this has been and with the launch of the book today, it’s made it all the more amazing of a week. As of this writing, Reach was downloaded 801 times today. My networks […]