Barbara's Fund
The power of the network at work.
Clarence Fisher and Jen Wagner brought this to my attention. Barbara Barreda, the principal of St. Elisabeth’s school has lost her house do to the wildfires in LA.
Two years ago a class at Barbara’s school skyped a class in Shanghai to talk about the differences between our schools and cities.
How global are we?
I didn’t even know there were wildfires going on in LA, yet I am able to give and help a friend in need and learn about the needs of others through the network.
A thanks to Clarence and Jen for bringing this to our attention. When a part of your network is in need it feels good to know you can help out in some small way.
Clarence and Jen have set up a paypal account to help Barbara out.
We have set up a paypal account
where every single penny will be given straight to Barbara to meet her
expenses. Currently she is staying with a friend but literally has the
clothes on her back and the few items she could throw into her car.
The power of the network
Jeff, It is good that you are mentioning this in your blog. I called my brother in Washington and he had no idea about our fires either. I drove up the street Saturday morning and took some *pictures. Fortunately, except for the smoke and ash, I was a safe distance away. There were many more who were close enough to take some heart breaking photos of actual homes burning. I have met Jen and Barbara on Twitter but neither in person. Yet I feel compelled to help out a fellow educator. It could have been me. After all, at one time I lived just a few blocks from where the big fire that took her home started, in the foothills of Sylmar. Alan Lutz aka OCTechguy
*Pictures of the smoke: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanlutz/
[…] have come to the aid of those in need.  We adopted classrooms affected by Katrina and helped Barbara when she lost her home in the California […]