COETAIL Projects Continue to Amaze
This past weekend I made my 9th and final flight to Taipei where 25 educators from Taipei American School (TAS) wrapped up their final course, projects and presentations for the COETAIL program.
The COETAIL Program or Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy, is a 5 course 15 graduate credit program started by Kim Cofino and I in 2009. The program, only available to educators outside the U.S., continues to return positive results with 86% of educators who have taken the program saying that the coures and the learning have had a positive effect on their teaching practices 6 months after they finish the program. The fifth and final course asks educators to take everything they have learned in the first 4 courses and apply it to their teaching. We push the educators to try to use technology in a way that redefines the learning experience using the following definition:
Redefinition: The computer allows for the creation of new tasks, inconceivable without the computer.
As usual the TAS educators rose to the challenge and presented some fantastic learning examples as well as some failures….which in itself is a success. Here are a few highlights.
Nancy and Kathy put together this fantastic video for their final project. You can read about their reflections on their blogs.
Allison Nave has done a great job of sharing and reflecting as she flips her middle school math class.
Nyoli had her Algebra students create a Google Site for review purposes. Students don’t want the site public but she outlines the learning and the process.
Barb outlines making book trailers with elementary students in the library and collaborating with Tara our librarian here at ISB.
Scott and Laura reflect on using iPads with 1st graders.
Steve talks about using Google Docs with 2nd Graders.
Jennifer teaches music through creating a sound track for a movie trailer.
It was great to see teachers stretch themselves on these projects as I encouraged them to push themselves and the technology so far beyond what they though capable that they failed…..and we had a few “successful failures” as Michael called it in his presentation. That’s a term I could get use to using.
If you are an educator outside of America and you are interested in the COETAIL program. Head over to the About page where you can read about the program and put your name on the list to get more information. Our plan is to start another cohort in September.