Education 2056
Found this from Miguel today. A great movie…a digital story of sorts about using renewable resources.
Could we do a movie like this about education?
Education 2056
I’d love to be apart on a project like that. A movie like this about education, how it changed and what it will look like in the future?
Movies like this are starting to pop up all over the web. One of my favorites is Epic 2015 that I use when talking to teachers about the future of technology. What if we created a movie that could be used in the same manner. A futuristic movie about education in 2056. Something we could use when giving presentations.
Anybody interested?
I’d love create something like this. When i was at FETC in March, Chris Dede used a 60 second video produced by Panasonic on the digital student. It was a fast but impacting view of how our students have to shut down when they come to school. I asked him if the video was available and he said Panasonic gave him strict instructions about how he was to use it. I checked around online but couldn’t find it anywhere.
I’ve been tempted to create one myself but this type of joint idea would be worth pursuing. If anything arises or you have any ideas on how to make this happen, let me know…Sorry about the other day. We’ll try another Skypecast soon.