
A web site that I was unaware of just popped up on my radar screen. educause.edu
A quick search for the word blog returned some great results. An informative site worth a look.
A web site that I was unaware of just popped up on my radar screen. educause.edu
A quick search for the word blog returned some great results. An informative site worth a look.
I have been highly recommending Oblinger and Oblinger’s “Educating the Net Generation” published (on-line) by Educause. The first 2 chapters are especially good – a compilation of many studies done on current students.
This site needs to get more attention and thanks for helping with doing so.
readiness: carrots and (thinking) sticks…
Patrick Higgins raises the question of readiness in a post earlier today: What, he wonders, will be the tipping point that moves teachers and administrators toward a collaborative, communicative, networked professional development approach that include…