Homepage mash up

Homepage mash up

Found netvibes via TechCrunch 10 day ago, and I must say so far I am very impressed. Basically you get to design your own homepage using RSS feeds. They do have some built in modules which are wonderful. I can monitor my gmail accounts, my POP3 accounts,and my writely documents all on one page. It allows you to import OPML files so that made it easy to move my bloglines accounts into the program. I really enjoy the way it displays the RSS feeds when you click on them. There are no ads and I get to customize the look. It also has a module for box.net a free 1GB storage space on the Internet. So not only do you have all your information on one page, you have all your files there as well. It also has built in search for Google, Yahoo, IceRocket, and Wikipediawww.netvibes.com
I was thinking about how a tool like this can be used in a classroom. A teacher could give students two or three web sites or blogs they want them to follow over a give period of time as they study a subject. The students could keep track via RSS fees everything on the sites. If each teach had them follow two or three sites then the students could make a customized learning home page complete with RSS feeds related to class subjects, their class writely files, and up to 1GB of documents, pictures and media all in one easy to find location.
I think we’ll start to see more mash up tools like netvibes.com coming soon. As developers start to take all these individual web 2.0 tools and create spaces where you can keep them all organized.

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