How to loose your PLN in a day
Move to China!
The Chinese must have just reconfigured their filter as wikipedia is in and out and blogger and bloggspot are now completely blocked along with technorati. I knew it was to good to be true. I can still receive the feeds via my netvibes page, but can not view the pages for commenting purposes. Effectively making the Read/Write web read only.
Shaun McElroy who contributes to U Tech Tips and runs his own blog the International Counselor wrote a nice little piece on this over at U Tech Tips.
Looks like nanny Mao deems blogspot not fit for public consumption, so
the great firewall has blocked one of the worldÂ’s largest repositories
of blogs. Since August we could happily keep up on the news in Caracas,
visit my friendÂ’s fotopages of his life in Shanghai or any other number
of fun filled activities. But this weekend, I returned from inner
Mongolia to discover no access. However, pretty much any RSS feed
reader can skip you right over the wall to the content of your
favourite sites. My two favourites:
bloglines–focused on blogs complete with a search service
Netvibes–is a virtual hub with todo lists, rss feedreaders and more
You can read the rest here
Ever since they reconfigured the filter a couple days ago the Internet has been running really slow. Not sure if the two are connected, but you never know. 😉
Don’t worry we still have full access to myspace, xanga, youtube, facebook, and a host of other sites that schools around the world are blocking. Not sure why blogger gets hit. There are blogging platforms inside China that the Chinese use. They must be monitoring those pretty closely and have no way of monitoring what is posted on blogger.
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted, but for now I’ll just be reading about blogger blogs and not commenting. Do know that I’m still out here though. 🙂
I new it wasn’t just my slow internet!