
Just how fast does information travel?
This report came out at about 13:00 local time here in Shanghai.
Australia’s “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin dies
By 14:30 it was the talk of the school. Sad to hear for most of our students grew up on the Crocodile Hunter.
It was pretty quick here as well. I talked with my class this morning about the various ways the students had found out about it. The most interesting was the students in my class who chatted with each other on MSN about it – a girl in my class was telling me that lots of chatters were using a turtle avatar as a mark of respect to Steve Irwin. Interesting how students today are often accused of not showing respect – I think it’s just a new connected way of doing it. I actually think he was bigger overseas than he was here down under – which explains the world wide reaction and the amazing way his Wikipedia entry has unfolded in the past 24 hours.