K12online Shanghai LAN party
I’ve been really busy lately, but having a night like we had last night makes it all worth it. Last night was our first of four Shanghai LAN parties around the K12online conference. We had some great food that my Ayi (Maid) made for us, drinks, and just plain fun!
This podcast is our discussion about David Warlick’s keynote for the conference.
Sitting in the room were:
6th Science Teacher
MS/ES Principal
8th Math Teacher
Elementary Counselor
Elementary Technology Teacher
Head of Chinese Programs
Elementary Librarian
In the middle of the podcast it hit me that I, for the first time in my life, was talking tech with more women than men. Andy Torris, the Principal in the group, was the only other male there with me. Brought back memories of teaching 4th grade where I was one of two males in the whole school. How cool to get a chance to talk tech with the women. I enjoyed it.
So here it is, the first of many podcasts here at The Thinking Stick around the K12online conference.
Update: Pictures of the LAN party
Technorati Tags: k12online, K12online06, David Warlick
You guys are great fun! I have only just started listening, but already I wish I was there to join you crew! I haven’t been following your blog for long, but am enjoying your posts – cheers! Michael
Trust Andy to be able to work Billy Ray Cyrus into a conversation about Ed-Tech! Disney are way out there in front – maybe something to do with the fact that Steve Jobs is on the board now? Thanks guys, thoroughly enjoyed your Podcast.
[…] I have just listened to probably the best podcast (by educators) that I have ever listened to – over at the Thinking Stick! […]
Do you all realize what a wonder it is to be able to learn things in such an immediate way. When the teacher of a foreign language has his students move physically with their language learning, the learning becomes part of their life. Your podcasts do very much the same thing. Seeing your faces, hearning your voices and then learning to do the things you do in our homes and classrooms makes our learning an immediate and enduring part of our lives. Thank you so much.
Very much wish I was there, too cool. Your discussion is wonderful. Haven’t seen your blog before, but will be tuning in again. Thank you.
Wow, great discussion guys and gals! I wish I could have been there with you in Shanghai, but the podcast along with the photos is a pretty good substitute, minus beverages!
I heartily agree that we are too content driven in our schools, and I also agree that the challenge is helping convince parents that we need to focus more on skills and process than just content. Content is important, but we need to let students have truly differentiated learning experiences with content– and that is something that traditionally minded folks (like many if not most of our parents) have a hard time with. Thanks so much for sharing, I’m looking forward to hearing more from you all!
Your discussion was fascinating, I too wish that I could have joined the group. Your podcast was inspirational and has provided some great stimulus. I’m actually in Shanghai for a few days and would loved to have picked your brains for a while (we met on Tuesday briefly, well actually for about 30seconds). The notion of sharing your views as a group is magical, would love to hear more. I look forward to the 5 podcasts. Perhaps we could work on an Int’l School session?
Share the view of Shanghai which was mentioned, this is a truly remarkable city. Keep up the great work!
Great job everyone. Very interesting. I enjoyed listening to your podcast. Thank you for sharing. Keep up the great work. It’s teachers and administrators like you that will make the difference. Please share this with as many educators as you can. Wow! I’m so impressed!
[…] together to discuss the keynotes from each strand and also to view presentations together ala lan party style that Jeff Utecht started last year at the 06 conference. Our first meeting was November 7th. Together, we watched […]
[…] to which you belong. Print out the flyer and put it in teacher mailboxes at school. Organize a K12Online LAN party at your home for teachers you work with and know. Jonathan Chambers is keeping the LAN party […]
[…] to which you belong. Print out the flyer and put it in teacher mailboxes at school. Organize a K12Online LAN party at your home for teachers you work with and know. Jonathan Chambers is keeping the LAN party […]
[…] to which you belong. Print out the flyer and put it in teacher mailboxes at school. Organize a K12Online LAN party at your home for teachers you work with and know. Jonathan Chambers is keeping the LAN party […]
[…] held a similar event a couple of years ago. 2 years ago, streaming video was not readily available but Jeff did […]
[…] held a similar event a couple of years ago. 2 years ago, streaming video was not readily available but Jeff did […]
[…] the way leaders have used the content to create unique learning festivals in their local contexts. Jeff Utecht’s LAN Party is one example. Listen to the video to hear him explain it more fully. I’m looking forward to […]