New Library taking shape
Yep, we finished one library on the Pudong campus in September and we started the next one. I know I’ve said it before but it amazes me how fast they build things around here. So here you go
Can you believe it? In just over two months time it went from a whole in the ground to having a roof on it. The project is suppose to be done in mid February. The whole bottom floor is the library. With two computer areas, one like a traditional computer lab and the other an open lab into the library. Again when we were planning this space last year our word was “seamless”. We want students to be able to grab a book, grab a computer, look up information on an OPAC machine and just have access to the information they want when they need it. The Pudong library was a high school facility, this is an elementary facility. When we asked the students what they wanted in a library it was reading nooks, so there are plenty of little nooks to sit back and enjoy a good book whether that be on paper or electronic.
[tags]SAS, library[/tags]