Thank you to those that responded to my last post. It is an interesting question and one that we as professionals find hard to answer. I agree with Doug that the problem starts with the way the question is stated: What specific Technology training would you find helpful next year? Very open ended and gives no direction to the educator […]
We don't know what we don't know
The response today from a teacher after asked this question: What specific Technology training would you find helpful next year? We don’t know what we don’t know A very appropriate response I felt. How many teachers feel like this? They don’t want another PowerPoint session, yet they do not know what else beyond that exists. What happened in Technology training […]
Riding the Information wave
I woke up Monday morning excited to have another day off as we finished up our May Day Holiday. I started a pot of coffee and then headed to the computer to fire it up for the day. Another 85+ (20c) sunny day in Shanghai. As the computer loaded I went to my netvibes home page, which has become my […]
My first Chinese trackback
Just got my first Chinese trackback to the article I wrote last week about technorati being blocked/unblocked in China. If the theory is correct that there will be 60+ million blogs in China by the end of 2006, then I’m sure this won’t be the last. Now I just have to get it translated to see what it says. 🙂
Technorati in China and other blocked sites
Not sure where I first saw the report that Technorati was blocked in China, but I did go test it out, and sure enough on Wednesday it was blocked. Today (Saturday April 29, 2006) it is back working again. The Technorati blog posted on Wednesday that people were complaining, maybe those complaints were heard in Beijing, or maybe it was […]
Turn off the screen and go play!
This week we have been celebrating TV Turn Off week at our school, and when your wife is the counselor leading the charge, you set a good example. So for the past couple of nights we have not watched any TV, turned on a computer or participated in any “Screen” activities. It has been nice, although I find myself getting […]
My 25% PD
I didn’t pose my 25% PD last week. For some reason I am finding it harder and harder to actually sit down and write. I find it really easy to sit down and read. I’ve probably read more in the past year then at any other time in my life. That’s a good thing I guess, I just have to […]
Podcast for Teachers-A shout back
Just wanted to say thank you to Mark Gura and Kathy King who run the Podcast for Teacher (PFT) website for the shout out last week. Stop by the PFT web site and check out the archives of past PFT episodes. Mark and Kathy are from the Regional Educational Technology Center (RETC) and do a great job each week of […]
The Middle East-a new story
I’ve been quietly following and trying to wrap my head around David Warlick’s concept of telling a new story . I’m not sure if this is what he has in mind, but I think there is a story here somewhere. First I have to give credit to my friend, and hopefully soon to be blogger, Reece Lennon who is a […]
Recess is a good thing
Sometimes people will tell me “There’s more to life than computers and technology.” Of course I know that. There are times when a computer just can’t compete. Like today, it’s 75 degrees outside and the Pre-K and Kindergarten kids have been working on this for two days now. Sometimes a little chalk, a nice sunny day, and just time to […]