

I’m tired. Tired of hearing “Wait!”, “We’re going to get there.”, “It takes time.” I’m starting to understand John and Will a little better. Can we afford to wait? Shanghai 2003 Shanghai 2005 I wouldn’t believe it either if I didn’t live here. According to The Peking Duck where these pictures are from they were taken about 24 months apart. […]

New Words

New Words

The New York Times has a fun little piece on new words we need to add: Screensucking, which he defines as “wasting time engaging with any screen — for instance, computer, video game, television, BlackBerry.” He goes on to use his new word in a sentence: “I was supposed to write that article, but instead I spent the whole afternoon […]

Creativity vs Experimentation

Creativity vs Experimentation

I’ve been following the conversation that Doug Johnson of the Blue Skunk blog started a couple days ago and have been trying to formulate some response in my head other then “Well, just because it should be that way!” Doug takes on the age old question of creativity vs experimentation. Or in the educational world: Is education an art or […]

Moving towards conceptual thinking

Moving towards conceptual thinking

In order to change an educational institution we all know that you need to start at the top. A great article that you might want to pass on to your school board out of the American School Board Journal this month. Closing the ‘Reality Gap’ Just a taste of the article for you: Studies have shown that many of our […]

myspace and xanga not so cool

myspace and xanga not so cool

Had a chat with some middle school students last week and a tech savvy teacher who talks to her students about the latest and greatest technologies that the students are using. Word on the street is myspace and xanga are no longer cool. A 7th grade student told me: “It just got old!” Blogging at xanga.com was all the rave […]

Four links from the action

Four links from the action

I found this interesting today. The Washington Post ran this article today on Will Richardson along with articles here, here, and here about blogging. So in seeing how this whole connectivism thing works I wanted to see if The Thinking Stick was connected to the action. If you click on Will’s link in the article (1), which leads to Will’s […]

A personal stake in the future

A personal stake in the future

People sometimes apologize for talking about their families or personal lives on their blogs and I always wonder why. Our personal lives are what make us who we are, we are professionals, but hopefully we all have other lives as well. Lives that help keep use grounded in what is truly precious. I took a break from blogging over spring […]

Homepage mash up

Homepage mash up

Found netvibes via TechCrunch 10 day ago, and I must say so far I am very impressed. Basically you get to design your own homepage using RSS feeds. They do have some built in modules which are wonderful. I can monitor my gmail accounts, my POP3 accounts,and my writely documents all on one page. It allows you to import OPML […]

The basics

The basics

As I start looking forward to next year and my new position. I’ve been thinking about what are the basics that every middle school and high school student should have technology wise in the 06-07 school year? I can dream and say that every students should have a laptop, is that a want or a need? I’m looking for the […]

Flattening world

Flattening world

Received this e-mail today. How cool is it that I can be like Doug Johnson and have people requesting to use my material. Of course I’m no where near Doug’s prestige, but hey, it’s a start! The videos are part of a Web 2.0 series I’m doing for the teachers at my school. I have a blog called U Tech […]