Listening to the students

Listening to the students

Andy Torris pointed me to this great document that just came out last December from web site. Some great research here, and just more fuel for what we’ve all been saying. The kids are speaking, but are we listening? Technorati Tags:

IB program under fire in the US

IB program under fire in the US

Last year, two school board members in the Minneapolis suburb of Minnetonka unsuccessfully pushed to get rid of IB because they said it was anti-American and anti-Christian. OUCH! An article in the Boston Globe looks at the attack facing the International Baccalaureate or IB program in Pittsburgh at the moment and other places around the U.S. There are some harsh […]

My 25% PD

My 25% PD

So this week I managed about 300 minutes of PD time. I like using minutes rather then hours just because it looks like a lot more time. 🙂 Arvind Grover posted this to my original 25% PD and it had me thinking this week: Jeff, although I never thought of it in the way you describe it, that is exactly […]

Is it content we're after?

Is it content we're after?

Brent Schlenker and I have been having an interesting e-mail conversation about content vs product. All too often the product gets in the way of the content being graded. Why is it that a good looking product can get you a better grade then a content rich product? And why is it that we choose to tell students what product […]

Overseas Job Opening

Overseas Job Opening

My Deputy Superintendent stopped by today and asked if I would put the word out for an elementary technology teacher, for the 06-07 school year. If you are interested in teaching overseas at an American International School, living in China, and experiencing international living, then this might be right for you. Please visit  the schools web site for the application […]

My 25% PD

My 25% PD

OK, so this week I missed my 525 minutes of PD by 205 minutes. It was a bit of a hectic week. Hopefully next week I can make up the minutes. Here are the highlights from this week: Podcasts via iTunes March of the Penguin Podcast from David Thornburg-Moving at the Speed of Creativity No shortcuts podcast by Rafe Esquith-Moving […]

Google Pages

Google Pages

Tons of talk today about Google pages. Here’s what happens when you are sleeping while North America is awake. Looks like fun, but I’m sure it will take less then a month for the Chinese Filter to shut it down…so is it even worth my time? Technorati Tags: Google

Computer Prayer

Computer Prayer

Dear God, Help me log on without frettingGuide me, as I am internetingBless my downloading and uploadingKeep my browser from explodingMay my website be protected?Let not my password be rejectedKeep my line always connectedAnd all my inputs be acceptedPlease keep my entire program aliveAnd to remember to back up my hard driveAnd protect my computer from crashing drive,From a virus […]

Create your own radio station

Create your own radio station

An amazing Web 2.0 site that I just found via the Infomancy blog.This site is amazing! Go to the site, choose an artist or song title that you like and the program will put together a radio station for you of songs similar to what you input. Creating your own personalized radio station. As the program plays songs you can […]