China frustrations

China frustrations

Most days I do pretty good dealing with the frustrations of using the Internet in China. But then there are days like today when I just get frustrated when I know there is good information that I’m missing out on. Like everyone who has a blog at Everytime I go to view a blog hosted at blogger I get […]

1954 Computer

1954 Computer

1954 Computer Originally uploaded by jutecht. Picture from 1954 Popular Mechanics Magazine. Caption reads: Scientist from the RAND corporation have created this model to illustrate how a “home computer” could look like in the year 2004. However, the needed technology will not be commercial feasible for the average home. Also the scientists readily admit that the computer will require not […]

My 25% PD

My 25% PD

After reflecting on the amount of PD teachers should be receiving, I’ve decided that I have to control my own PD. I have been for most of this year. But it hit me today as I had a light class load that I am in charge of my own PD and so I did what you do at any good […]

Google Toolbar 4 Beta

Google Toolbar 4 Beta

Still the best toolbar? Just downloaded it and will be giving it a test, I’m not a toolbar person but there are some cool new features that I think will be useful. The new beta is only for IE6…I hope they bring more browsers online soon. Now has social bookmarking just need to install the toolbar on every machine that […]

Fear of the unknown

Fear of the unknown

Why do we create fear before we know there is something to be afraid of? Yesterday I ran up against the fear of what parents might do. I did the best I could to present evidence that we don’t know how parents will react to every teacher having a web site, and the different ways teachers will use the space. […]

Warlick's conversations

Warlick's conversations

This is what I love about the read/write web. The conversation that can not take place anywhere else, and a conversation that I get to be a part of even though I’m almost exactly half way around the world from the east coast of the U.S.A. Dave Warlick started the conversation about 1:1 laptop programs and the conversation that it […]

My new favorite Firefox extension

My new favorite Firefox extension

My new favorite extension for Firefox is called SpellBound a spell checker for the web. It works much like the spell checker in Word in that it underlines misspelled words in red. You then hold down the Control key and click on the word and a list of suggestions appears. For someone like me who is a horrible speller, this […]

Maintenance work

Maintenance work

As you can see I spent most of my Saturday doing a little maintenance work on the Thinking Stick. I took about an hour and a half over lunch in creating the new banner for the site. I finally gave into the Photoshop crowd and used a tutorial to create the banner. I’m a Fireworks guy and am much more […]

Found Will and John's next job!

Found Will and John's next job!

From eSchool News: Schools feel void with no ed-tech chief Nearly six months after the nation’s top educational technology official stepped down, the U.S. Department of Education has yet to name a replacement. With the federal focus shifting to math and science education, advocates of school technology say having a point person to turn to for guidance within the department’s […]