Computer Games: What are we teaching them

Computer Games: What are we teaching them

After reading David WarlickÂ’s post: Innovation Learning for a Flat World, I got to thinking about the games that our students play on a daily basis and how right David and Bill MacKenty were about the language that these short-cuts use. So, I went out to the internet and in less than five minutes I found a short-cut to a […]

Another article on Blogs in the Classroom

Another article on Blogs in the Classroom

A great new article out by titled Blogging 101-web logs go to school. I was glad to see that the classroom mentioned is using the same student friendly blog program as I am using with my 5th graders. Blogmeister is a great program that allows teacher to control the content that students publish.

A follow up to 'The Future of a School"

A follow up to 'The Future of a School"

Reece Lennon Writes in response to my “The Future of a School” article: Okay, so you gave her a philosophical answer, but what about a practical answer? What should she tell the architects when they are drawing up their plans? Yes, my answer is philosophical, and as far as the architects are concerned they need to know that we envision […]



A great new web site called S.O.S. (Situations, Outcomes, Strategies) was launched on Oct. 7. The following summery was taken from an eSchool News article found at this link. Teachers and library media specialists searching for new and innovative ways to educate their students about effective research practices now have a new online tool at their disposal: S.O.S. (Situations, Outcomes, […]

The Future of a School

The Future of a School

My school is in the process of building a new Media Center. We have held and continue to hold meeting with the architects, planners, consultants, etc to try and create a building for the 21st century. I have had some great conversations with my Deputy Superintendent over the future of technology. Yesterday she sent an e-mail with the following question. […]

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave Popcorn

Have you ever had one of those moments where a thought pops into your head that just makes you laugh? I had one last night over microwave popcorn. As I stood in front of the microwave waiting for the popcorn to finish I started thinking about kids today growing up with technology and how itÂ’s difficult for older generations to […]

Yahoo to put copyrighted books on the Internet

Yahoo to put copyrighted books on the Internet

In a recent article from eschool news talks about YahooÂ’s approach to putting copyrighted books online, while at the same time appeasing publishers. Something Google hasnÂ’t been able to do. My feeling is we are doing something new here,” Mandelbrot said. “We are building a collaborative effort that will make a great deal of copyrighted material available in a way […]

Techie Teachers

Techie Teachers

I have been really excited the past couple of days as more and more teachers here about the Blogs we have started here at the school and the upstart of our Moodle site. I have teachers approaching me asking what it is, how they do that, etc. What a great feeling knowing there are teachers at your school who are […]

A Little R&R

A Little R&R

Just got back from a relaxing weekend on the Island of Hainan. Took some time to catch up on some reading that IÂ’ve been meaning to do. Ian Jukes “Education at the Crossroads” “Moving the Educational Debate” “Beyond Technology to the New Literacy/Shifting Gears Workshop” Marc Prensky “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants” “Do They Really Think Differently” Carr, David, K. (1996) […]

Blog Reflection

Blog Reflection

My 5th graders have been blogging for about 2 weeks now. As much as I understand and read about this generation of digital kids, they still amaze me. I use the Blogmeister software which has been a great and easy way to manage my student blog entries. Today I came into school to find 34 blog articles waiting for review. […]