Finding Your Metaphor For the Year

Finding Your Metaphor For the Year

I want to take some time to talk about a recent free guide we created called Finding Your Metaphor for the Moment. When I provide coaching for school leaders, we often spend a lot of time thinking and discussing metaphors as a communication tool.  Now I didn’t invent the idea of leaders using metaphors to galvanize teams. There has been […]

Making Collaboration Transparent with Kanban Boards

Making Collaboration Transparent with Kanban Boards

Today, I want to explore the power of making collaborative learning transparent. What do I mean by that? Well for any of you who have ever been partnered with others on a project, think about that experience and reflect on the following questions: What structures or supports were in place for you to be able to seek out thought partners […]

Creating Momentum From Mistakes

Creating Momentum From Mistakes

I am excited to talk about one of my favorite shifting schools resources. If you follow us on social media, you may have seen us sharing custom made Jamboard templates. We have a collection of them in our resource library, and we’ve received so much feedback from educators. Why? Well, my guess is because Jamboard leverages collaboration. I think of […]

Fishing for Questions In our Classrooms

Fishing for Questions In our Classrooms

Today we’re going to focus on a resource we used in several of our trainings last year, we call it the “Let’s Go Fishing For Fresh Questions!” protocol. The resource has a menu of three ways to ‘fish for a question’.   In my experience, this resource is useful for SEL because it reminds students that creating and sharing questions […]

Your Classroom Mission Statement

Your Classroom Mission Statement

This week we explore an idea that has meant a lot to me, not only as an educator and a business owner, but as a local resident of Seattle. The resource that pairs with this post is a free editable slide deck series that walks you and your students through the process of drafting a class mission statement.  Inside the […]

The Power of Ownership in Distance Learning

The Power of Ownership in Distance Learning

I know that many of you work with families/students who come from poverty. One thing we need to remind teachers is that what we’re really fighting is not “kids not wanting to do the work” but a mindset that is not easy to overcome when it’s being reinforced at home…and now…we do not get to take students away from that […]

Inequity Should Not Equal Inaction

Inequity Should Not Equal Inaction

It’s been a crazy March, to say the least. Here in the state of Washington schools have been closed since March 17th and will not reopen until April 27th at the earliest.  Our state education officials have required public schools to provide an educational experience for students.  Now, most schools in the state were already doing this or making plans […]

Virtual School Tips and Recommendations

Virtual School Tips and Recommendations

NCCE 2020 here in Seattle has just wrapped up. NCCE (Northwest Council For Computer Education) being our regional ISTE sponsored conference with somewhere around 1500 participants coming together each year to share and learn. Being in Seattle and with the COVID-19 spreading throughout my state, Virtual School was a hot topic.  One of the sessions I ran was titled “Tech […]