10 Ways to Use Google Maps in the Classroom

10 Ways to Use Google Maps in the Classroom

Google Maps has been out for 10 years now. Digital maps…starting with Mapquest has been out since 1996 (technically 1993 but mapquest was the first main stream map most people remember). For those of you keeping track that puts us almost 20 years into the digital mapping word. 20 years we have been using digital maps and yet for some reason […]

Eduro Learning: Changing Culture and Minds

Eduro Learning: Changing Culture and Minds

There has been a lot going on with my new adventure that is Eduro Learning. Kim Cofino and I, along with 5 others, founded the company last May. The idea behind the company was that there were many conferences, summits, and PD opportunities to learn about technology tools however very few focused on the change in classroom culture that needs […]

Community Trumps Content

Community Trumps Content

I was honored to sit down with Bob Greenberg while in New York recently to talk about my views on technology’s role in education. If you are not familiar with Bob’s work. He has been traveling around the world filming thought leaders on their views of education. His Brainwaves Channel on YouTube is worth a bookmark and some time browsing watching […]

’15 The Year of Wearable

’15 The Year of Wearable

Each year I like to try and predict what might be the technology that affects us both in our daily lives as well as education. Predicting the future is fun…if you’re right people think you’re amazing….if you are wrong…nobody really cares. 🙂  Here’s my other predictions….I’ll let you decide if I’m any good at it. 2007: The Year of the […]

A Day in 2015

A Day in 2015

It’s 4:45am….I know this because the alarm on my phone softly starts to play its melody slowly getting louder and louder until I roll over, pick it up, and swipe to the right. I rub my eyes, stretch and look out the window. The sun is still hours from rising as I watch the Seattle Ferry, all lit up, make […]

Learning to Read Digital Text

Learning to Read Digital Text

During presentations the comment: “So you think we should do away with all physical books?” comes up from time to time. Do I? When it comes to non-fiction books I believe at the Middle School and High School level we need to start thinking hard about where we spend our money. On non-fiction books that are outdated before they’re checked […]

New Teachers Won’t Save Us

New Teachers Won’t Save Us

This is going to come as a shock I know…but pre-service education programs are not preparing teachers for a technology rich classroom teaching experience. Or to put that another way the classrooms of today. According to a Project Tomorrow Report …principals concluded that they want to hire new teachers with creative ideas about how technology can be leveraged to create […]

Online Learning Research

Online Learning Research

Seeing that I’m fully invested in online professional development for educators through both COETAIL and Eduro Learning, I’m always on the look out for research on how to make online learning better. What is it that sets good online learning apart from the OK online learning systems? How can we use that research to start blending our classrooms more and […]

Replacing Skills

Replacing Skills

I haven’t been blogging here much as my time has been spent working with teachers in their schools, Learning2 and COETAIL…which I love! Replace is my new word of choice when talking about the skills of technology.  I have done the word dance on this blog. Going from integrate, to embed and now to replace. However, I think it’s just the […]

Digital Citizenship Course for Educators

Digital Citizenship Course for Educators

Just a quick announcement that our third Eduro Learning Online Professional Development course will begin soon. We’re really excited about this one as it is one of those things we talk about teaching but A) Never get training on and B) Don’t really make it a priority. Our fear is that even though educators told us they would like to […]