20% Time PD

20% Time PD

I have been fascinating with a the idea of giving both students and educators 20% time based on the writings of Dan Pink and the book Drive (a must read for all educators in my opinion). There has been some momentum growing in education around this idea and this past year I followed a few teachers who implemented “Genius Hour” […]

A Year As A Consultant

A Year As A Consultant

People often ask me how much I travel and how I like this life style of being a consultant so seeing that I have just passed the one year mark of trying to make a living at presenting and consulting with schools, I thought I’d reflect on the past year and what’s yet to come.

The March To Online Learning Continues

The March To Online Learning Continues

Just a quick post to point to two pieces of information that shows the slow march we’re seeing to online learning and how it is going to effect high schools in the near future. The disruption is near for sure. A small study done by Millenial Branding with college students shows that many believe they can get as good if […]

Africa Exciting Me Again

Africa Exciting Me Again

Today I woke up to find an article in my Flipboard on Rwanda striking a deal with a South Korean Telecom to roll out 4G across the country. (Click here to subscribe to my Flipboard Magazine and get all my favorite articles dealing with Ed Tech)

Millennials and the Job Market

Millennials and the Job Market

There is a great article over at Mashable titled: Why Can’t Millennials Find Jobs? That as I read it I kept shaking my head and thinking about schools, education and where this is all going.

Google I/O Reflection

Google I/O Reflection

Now I have admitted before that I am a google fan boy. I love Google, I love their products, I love the way they take risks in development, I love the future they are trying to make a reality. So it should be no surprise that on Wednesday I prepared myself for the 3 hour Keynote that kicked off Google […]

The Bright Side of Google Reader Leaving Us

The Bright Side of Google Reader Leaving Us

Now don’t get me wrong, the announcement that Google Reader will no longer be after July 1st came as a shocker….but then again…not really. We know where Google is headed…everything tied to Google+ and Google+ integration across all apps. Which now that I see that and treat the Google ecosystem that way, well, it turns out it is a pretty […]

Preparing for the Next Three Years

Preparing for the Next Three Years

A couple of interesting things over the past 6 months or so that I have been a part of and/or witnessed that I wanted to share and reflect on. I have been working with a lot of International schools over the past six months. I find it fascinating that in a lot of these schools, I end up having conversations […]