Using Prentation Zen in the classroom

Using Prentation Zen in the classroom

I’ve always believed that getting teachers into this connected world will slowly trickle it’s way down to affect student learning…and today I proved myself right. The 3rd grade is getting ready to open their market place where they will sell their homemade goods. One of their requirements is to create an ad to be shown on the SmartBoard when their […]

Amazon Kindle backs Textbook Publishers into a corner

Amazon Kindle backs Textbook Publishers into a corner

  If you haven’t heard, Amazon has announced the Kindle DX. A 9.7 inch Wireless reading device with a larger screen made for reading textbooks and newspapers. Now this is all great news for technology and e-books. But as I listened to the TWIT podcast episode 194 they talked about what this device really is about. More important than the […]

How fine is the line between socialization and social learning

How fine is the line between socialization and social learning

Dough Johnson and Ann Krembs are here at ISB this week consulting with our school and the Library Review Committee on creating/restructuring our library learning space. Doug wrote a great post titled: The essential question I would highly recommend reading it and all of the comments. The Ed Tech team and the Librarians (total 8 people) met with Doug and […]

Making Time

Making Time

I came into work today and started unpacking as usual as my colleague Dennis Harter started unpacking for the day as well. He was complaining about a headache he had this morning and we started brainstorming what it could be from. We ended up talking about water and how neither of us feels like we’re drink enough water through the […]

What's the purpose of going 1:1

What's the purpose of going 1:1

(Full Disclosure: I believe every high school student should have a laptop) The New York Times wrote an article on May 4th, 2007 that resurfaced via Twitter last night. Titled Seeing No Progress, Some Schools Drop Laptops, It took me less than four paragraphs to start shaking my head in disbelief at the way this school district went about trying […]

Planning for Learning 2.010 begins

Planning for Learning 2.010 begins

How do you continue to be an innovative conference? You throw out everything you did the year before and start anew! That’s just what we did this last weekend at the first planning meeting for the Learning 2.010 Conference that will be held in Shanghai in September 2010. Next year Hong Kong will be hosting a conference called 21st Century […]

Time Lapse Video of Silk Worm

Time Lapse Video of Silk Worm

Full credit for this goes to Vu Lam one of our First Grade teachers who had an idea, played with the technology and then created something very cool. A Time Laps Video of a Silk Worm spinning a cocoon. This is a day long process condensed into 38 seconds. Sure I could go on about taking risks, getting an idea […]

When to start teaching self branding

When to start teaching self branding

I was co-teaching earlier this week in a 7th grade environments class. The students were signing up for the wiki they were going to be using to do a project. One boy in the class created his username as: tommmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!! Why? When do we start teaching students about self branding? I understand that part of this is a maturity issue, […]

True E-Folios for students

True E-Folios for students

A couple days ago I shared how the 1st grade here at ISB is creating Portfolio’s for students using iPhoto. They are simple Quicktime movies that kids can start and stop with their parents as they talk about their learning. This is a great solution for teachers in primary grades who have a digital camera in their room with them […]

Learning to Navigate the Web

Learning to Navigate the Web

Today in a second grade class we talked about how to navigate a website. It was the start of an animal unit where students will be studying animals of the grasslands. The students using the National Geographic Kids site which is a great little site to teach kids to research. Here are the questions I used to talk about navigating […]