iPhoto your Portfolio

iPhoto your Portfolio

Today I’ve been working with the first grade team preparing to created their e-portfolios for the kids. We started off the year talking about how we could organize the photos and movies that would be taken over the year so that when it came to this stage of the process it would be as quick and easy as possible. With […]

There's no spork for eduction!

There's no spork for eduction!

(As I promised Kim….full credit for her on the title of this post.) There is no one size fits all when it comes to education. There are many different approaches to the same solution. Technology is no different. There is no “Killer App” that does it all and does it well. There is not one tool that you can learn […]

Shirky Remixed

Shirky Remixed

I’ve been thinking a lot about Clay Shirky’s Blog post Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable. I thought I’d remix some of his thoughts from this post into an educational model. All of the bold words are my changes and do not in any way reflect Shirky’s thinking. I’m just trying to wrap my head around this blog posts and thought […]

The Culture of Availability

The Culture of Availability

I’m some 36,000 feet over…what out the window I can only guess is southern France and the Mediterranean Sea….I’ve been working on my presentations for the ECIS Admin Conference that I’m headed to in Portugal. Trying to find some inspiration and motivation for my presentations I’ve been watching some TED videos that I have on my iPhone and came across […]

Sharing Podcasts across your Network

Sharing Podcasts across your Network

I had an idea the other day (don’t laugh…I do get them once in awhile!) that seems to be paying off. We have these nice older iMacs sitting in our ES HUB (a.k.a. Library). We use one to sync our 10 iPods that the PTA bought for us last year and….well….that’s it. It’s sitting there with a 150GB hard drive […]

The Game Cont….

The Game Cont….

(See Part 1 from last year here) I sit on the bus plays running through my head. It’s quiet…we’re all thinking about the game. Runner on second line drive to left field….guys gonna try and score…I’m the cut off….catch and throw in one motion. Gotta be a strike to the plate. Stay back….pick up the spin and stay back…keep your […]

Why every school needs a Kim Cofino

Why every school needs a Kim Cofino

Some times being in the educational technology business can be a thankless job. The phone call or the e-mail that is a panicked teacher that sends you sprinting down the hallway. We get to play the hero a lot of times….swooshing in to unmute a computer who’s audio is not working before a presentation or other times more complicated matters […]

I don't like Learning Alone!

I don't like Learning Alone!

I’m back from the ETC (EARCOS Teacher’s Conference) in Kota Kinabalua, Malaysia. Where I did four presentations as well as watched Kim Cofino pack them in for her Connecting Across Continents presentation. It’s the first conference that I’ve gone to where I truly did not “do” the conference. Other than my own four presentations I only went to two others….one […]

Networked Thinking

Networked Thinking

All three of my presentation here at ETC09 continue to hit on the point of creating a PLN you can trust and find ways to use. It’s so powerful…..but it’s hard to explain just how powerful of a learning tool it is without having people really get in there and get their hands dirty. So today I found a new […]