Connecting People or Connecting Content

Connecting People or Connecting Content

aaahhhhh……I sit here in the open air lounge of the Magellan Resort, a soft breeze is blowing off the ocean as I over look the pool below and out across the bay to three islands. It’s gonna be a wonderful sunset tonight. I’m telling you overseas conferences are really hard….I mean it. 🙂 I’m continuing to think about the Web […]

RSS is about content, Twitter is about people

RSS is about content, Twitter is about people

I leave tomorrow for the EARCOS Teachers Conference (Twitter hash and web tag #ETC09) where I’ll be giving four presentations. My first one is on Networks and Communities and although my Twitter Network has pointed out to me this is not a new presentation for myself…I do feel like there is something different. I’ve pushing myself to think deeper about […]

The Age of Composition

The Age of Composition

Miranda Clemson’s left a comment on a recent post of mine and included a link to an eSchool News Article: NCTE defines writing for the 21st Century Right away I was interested in the article. Our school has just adopted and is implementing the Lucy Calkin’s Reading and Writing Program. I was interested to learn what the National Council of […]

Wetpaint Wikis add some great features!

Wetpaint Wikis add some great features!

(Full Disclosure: I am the Educational Ambassador to Over the past couple of weeks, Wetpaint has rolled out some features that for me are just more reasons to use Some of these features are just wiki madness! You can now choose different “Layout Zones” for each page of your wiki, there are “Content Modules” that allow you to […]

Wetpaint vs Blackboard

Wetpaint vs Blackboard

Major Mark Rea sent me this video and wiki to share. He’s a Major in the US Army and uses a wiki with cadets as part of his fitness program. Recently, he recorded his students thoughts on using a wiki instead of using BlackBoard (which I assume they have used before). Some good honest feedback and a fascinating wiki. Oh […]

Do you sprinkle or mix?

Do you sprinkle or mix?

For many schools and educators, technology is like the topping or finishing touch to the curriculum or a project. It’s nice to have, looks good, adds to the overall flavor, but really when you get right down to it…it isn’t needed. For many this has been the approach of technology, fair enough….as through the 1980, ’90 and early 2000s as […]

Does Your Blog have a Search?

Does Your Blog have a Search?

I’ve found myself lately looking for posts on ideas or concepts that I know exist and not being able to find them. As I’ve been looking through the blogosphere I’ve been interested in how few people put a search on their blog so that others can search their content. So I thought I’d write a post on how to create […]

A Week of Teaching and Learning

A Week of Teaching and Learning

It’s been a whirlwind of a couple weeks and I find myself…yet again out of balance spending more time on work and “projects” and less time ‘disconnected’ with friends, family, my guitar, and just plain down time. Kim and I have just finished up the first of five course we’re running here at our school for a Certificate of Educational […]

Gr8tweets for the month of March

Gr8tweets for the month of March

For the month of March, a group of educators and lifelonglearners will be picking a “Tweet of the day” and ReTweeting it with atag: #gr8t Hopefully, you will join us in doing this too. There are a number of reasons why you might want to participate: • To share what you value about twitter. • To see what others value […]

School's about Being Social

School's about Being Social

One of the best conversations I had at NCCE was about the new virtual high schools that are starting up in in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. I have to say I was surprised to learn that Spokane School District had started a virtual school and it was gaining momentum in Washington. Spokane School District started the virtual school in 2005 […]