NCCE Day 2

NCCE Day 2

Yesterday I spend the day listening and Ustreaming (archives on the site) sessions throughout the conference as well as visiting the “pit” (vendor area). Here are my take aways: In the Pit there was a Interactive Whiteboard company set up down almost every aisle. Classroom clicker systems (like this one) were running a close second. In a down economy with […]

NCCE Day 1

NCCE Day 1

Being back in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) during winter for the first time in seven years has been refreshing. Although the 50 degree temps are half of what my body is use to. 🙂 The clean fresh air of Seattle and Portland (yes…that is clean compared to Shanghai and Bangkok) is good on the lungs. I gave a three hour […]

The beginning of the end cont…

The beginning of the end cont…

Last week I wrote about the beginning of end for schools with the creation and launch of the University of the People that will accept its first class later this year. A University degree for free…or for very little money comparatively. Using free content on the web and a notion that learners can teach each other the university could be […]

Social Networking Workshop for Parents

Social Networking Workshop for Parents

Last week the Ed Tech team here at my school held a 3 hour social networking workshop for parents. The workshop was requested by parents after we made a brief presentation to the school board back in November. Before we began we took a quick poll of the 20 parents (all mothers): Non had a Facebook account but a couple […]

Thai Teaching Course Module 2: Thai-Style Governance

Thai Teaching Course Module 2: Thai-Style Governance

With the recent political crisis there in Thailand, it’s great to hear the history of where Thailand has come from to get to this point. The first coup happened in 1932 and since then the Thai government has gone through a lot. Through out the history of Thailand the King has played a major roll. All though the King does […]

Blog Posts for thought Feb. 8

Blog Posts for thought Feb. 8

I’ve spend the past week doing a lot of blog reading. With 40+ students taking the grad course here at ISB and another 8 that I’m teaching for PSU makes for a lot of blog reading in a week. I predicted this year would be about building value with these tools and that I personally was going to focus on […]

Who Inspires You?

Who Inspires You?

I really hadn’t thought of this much until I read a blog post of the same name from Presentation Zen. Who of course linked to this great Sir Ken Robinson video. So the blog post and the video got me thinking. Who (or what, etc.) inspires you? Who: My Wife, God Daughter, Seth Godin, What: The ocean, baseball, opportunities for […]

The beginning of the end?

The beginning of the end?

I’ve had this e-mail sitting in my box for a couple of weeks now. I had a look at this when I first got it but took some time today to really look at the University of the People. All I can keep thinking is: Is this the beginning of the end? A university uses the power of the social […]

WordPress 2.7 theme and plugins

WordPress 2.7 theme and plugins

It’s been a while since I upgraded to WordPress 2.7. If you host your own WordPress blog and haven’t yet upgraded I strongly recommend the upgrade. If for no other reason than threaded comments is now part of WordPress. Finding a theme that is built for WordPress 2.7 and then activating threaded comments in the Admin section will add a […]

Overwhelmed and loving it!

Overwhelmed and loving it!

A successful Flatclassroom Conference: Check! Caught up on grading PSU Grad course: Check! Caught up on Wetpaint Duties: Check! Finished teaching first Sat. Grad course with Kim: Check! (Oh…and a full time job as well): Check! Completely over-stretching myself: Check! I’ve had a few blog posts rolling around in my head since I got back from the Flatclassroom Conference and […]