Happy Holidays: Zurich and Prague

Happy Holidays: Zurich and Prague

Happy Holidays to all to everyone. I hope that you find the holiday season joyful and are able to spend the time the way you want to. As for me, the Thinking Chick and I are off to Zurich and Prague. We’ll be staying with Jason Welker in Zurich and another friend from Shanghai who now teachers in Prague. I […]

Connection is the key

Connection is the key

From Mark Pesce: Connection is expensive, not in dollars, but in time. But for all its drawbacks, connection enriches us enormously. It allows us to multiply our reach, and learn from the best. The challenge of connectivity is nowhere near as daunting as the capabilities it delivers. From Will Richardson: …we as educators need to reconsider our roles in students’ […]

At some point it's about the technology

At some point it's about the technology

As the graduate course I teach for Plymouth State University starts up again I’m reminded of the fact that at some point it’s about the tool. Sure I understand that it’s really about the learning, but it is also about the technology. It’s about all the “How To” videos on YouTube. It’s about the team at CommonCraft making a living […]

Interview Questions for Schools going 1:1

Interview Questions for Schools going 1:1

It’s that time of year again. Contracts are due in the international teaching world and recruiting fairs are just around the corner. I have solicited the help of my friend, and Deputy Superintendent of Shanghai American School, Andy Torris to help me craft a set of interview questions that administrators can use as they go recruiting this season. There are […]

Building your Tribe and Leading a Community

Building your Tribe and Leading a Community

Yes I’m still all about Seth’s new book Tribes and leading communities. If you want to know what skill is going to be needed in the future. It is going to be someone who understands and has the skill to create and lead a community of people. Someone who can organize and help the community lead themselves. When I approached […]

My Podcast Set-up

My Podcast Set-up

I like it when other podcasters share their set up. A thanks to Leo Leporte, one of my favorite tech podcasters….or is that netcaster. I’ve learned a lot about podcasting just listening to the different shows he produces. I wrote this page for the Shifting Our Schools site to share with others the set up I use to stream, record, […]

Dear International Administrators

Dear International Administrators

Dear International Administrators, Please help me. I have teachers in almost every content area at all most every grade level asking for help in finding schools that understand the shift in learning that is happening. I have English teachers, Technology people, Social Studies teachers, Elementary teachers, etc asking for help. They all ask for the same thing: Jeff, Do you […]

Google Earth and Audio Books

Google Earth and Audio Books

Two recent lessons I have been involved in are using Google Earth with 2nd Graders and having 5th graders create audio books for Pre-K students. Google Earth Lesson (2nd Grade): Have students pair up. (I always have kids number 1 and 2, it makes it easy to say “OK, #1 your turn to ……) Students start Google Earth and each […]

Don't try to control it

Don't try to control it

A comment left by Dan Christian yesterday on my post about the changing landscape of blogging. Has me back here thinking about my job as an educational technologist. First I think we need to understand how I view my job and what I think the job of an educational technologist should include. First and foremost we are educators. Our job […]