The changing landscape of blogging

The changing landscape of blogging

What? My Technorati Authority rating is down to 188? Wait? How? It was at 198 just hours ago? To make matters worse it was at 251 in June. What happened? Where did all the links go? Don’t worry…I have a theory…here me out. First of all please do not think that I am all hung up on my ranking within […]

Video: Google Search Tips

Video: Google Search Tips

This is a must watch video for every educator. In grades 4 and above educators should then turn around and use these when teaching any lesson where students are researching information. These…right here….are the new literacy skills that today’s generation need! This text will be replaced

Connection and Communities

Connection and Communities

Just finished up a full day at UNIS-Hanoi and thinking about where the conversations focused today. I spent the day talking with groups of teachers; Math/Science, Languages, Humanities, etc. We talked about my opening session and then got into some ideas on what learning looks like in a 1:1 tablet program that they have launched this year…how does it change […]

What is it all worth?

What is it all worth?

In about 20 minutes I’ll be in a taxi on my way to the airport to visit the United Nations International School in Hanoi. In preparing for the conference I’ve been up dating a couple of my slides and like to use Google as an example of what skills companies are looking for in today’s work force. After all, Google […]

Barbara's Fund

Barbara's Fund

The power of the network at work. Clarence Fisher and Jen Wagner brought this to my attention. Barbara Barreda, the principal of St. Elisabeth’s school has lost her house do to the wildfires in LA. Two years ago a class at Barbara’s school skyped a class in Shanghai to talk about the differences between our schools and cities. How global […]

WordPress MU plugin list for school install

WordPress MU plugin list for school install

This Tweet from Sarah came across my screen yesterday: So here you go…a list of plug-ins we have running here on our WordPress MU 2.6.3 install. Please note that this site has been created for teachers to communicate with parents. As of now that is its function within a larger picture of a learning/communication portal we are creating here. This […]

Systematic Change Part 2: Unlearning your community

Systematic Change Part 2: Unlearning your community

(As you can tell from Kim’s recent post. Systematic change at all levels is on our mind at ISB) How much time to we spend helping our community understand the changing landscape of learning? If we want to change the system, then we need to be prepared to change the whole system. We need to help our school communities understand […]

The reason for f2f

The reason for f2f

Back in Bangkok and still making sense of what happened last week. Two conferences with a total of 13 presentations and a 102.8F fever in between. The one idea that keeps running through my head is this: What is the reason we gather Face to Face? There is a reason we like going to conference, there is a reason why […]

Reflections from EARCOS and off to Jakarta

Reflections from EARCOS and off to Jakarta

I’m home from the EARCOS Admin conference just for a day before flying out to Jakarta for the Learning in a Digital World conference. Before I leave for Jakarta, I wanted to jot down some reflective notes about the EARCOS Admin conference. Having the opportunity to meet with 26 Business Managers was an honor. Out of the 26 schools represented. […]