Lived Blogged: Session by Andy Torris and Amanda DeCardy

Jeff Utecht has been sharing his thoughts on education and educational technology here since 2005
Lived Blogged: Session by Andy Torris and Amanda DeCardy
Live Blogged by Dennis Harter
Dennis Harter: High School Technology & Learning Coordinator, International School BangkokBlog: http://dharter.edublogs.orgTwitter: dharter
We’ll see how this goes
I’ve read a lot of books in the past three years…..ok….for me personally it’s been a lot of reading. This one I didn’t actually read. I listened to it ($5.59 via iTunes). But being an auditory learner….that’s better than reading anyway. This one though, this book, hit me a little deeper than others. It might be where I’m at right […]
Here are the two videos that Jonathan Chambers put together from the K12online LAN party in Shanghai today. As we were wrapping up, Jonathan asked everyone to turn on their iCam and just let it record. Before everyone left Jonathan gathered the video and created these great YouTubes that get to the heart of what we discussed today. Part 1 […]