New Schools

New Schools

I have to say, I was feeling a little bummed out that Shanghai was holding it’s LAN parties and I wasn’t going to be a part of them. My school here in Bangkok is on break for the week, so with everyone on vacation, it just wasn’t happening here this year. Of course little did I remember that in today’s […]

Systematic Change: Part 1

Systematic Change: Part 1

(What follows is the thinking of many people that I have the pleasure to work with every day. It is my hope that I can put into words, for myself, how we are trying to bring systematic change to our school in hopes that you might be able to use a piece of it to bring change within your organization […]

Preparing for November

Preparing for November

My wife left early this morning for Hawaii. I know…completely lost on her. From Bangkok to Hawaii….. She’s off to visit a friend, one of the benefits of taking a year off from working and having frequent flier miles to spend. So that leaves me with a week of no school and time to myself to prepare for what has […]

Thai Teaching Cert: Module 1 Society and Wisdom

Thai Teaching Cert: Module 1 Society and Wisdom

(No, we’re not taking these in order) Buddhism in Thailand No belief in a god that created the world Buddhist believe do good things, be good person, and you will be rewarded Experience enlightenment to break the cycle of birth, disease, death, rebirth Teach patience and give consideration to everything you do to be a good person Monks believe should […]

I’m done with the 21st Century!

I’m done with the 21st Century!

I know it’s the largest word in my tag cloud on this blog….but really I’m over it now. I have come to hate the phrase “21st Century” whatever: Learner, Thinking, Teacher, Skills. Has anyone noticed it’s 2008…well 79 days until 2009! We’re 9 years (depending on how you count) into the 21st Century and we’re still calling for 21st Century […]

First quarter reflection

First quarter reflection

Friday marked the end to the first quarter of the school year at ISB. As my first quarter here comes to a close I’ve started to reflect on the experience so far. There is a reason why international schools make you sign a two year contract. It takes at least a year to get your feet on the ground, to […]

Shift Our Schools Podcast: Season Two!

Shift Our Schools Podcast: Season Two!

The second season of Shift Our Schools kicks off tonight as David and I along with Kim Cofino reflect about the Learning 2.008 Conference in Shanghai. We’re changing things up this year starting with a new website dedicated to the podcast. Click on the link above or the picture to head to the website. We are in iTunes and ready […]

Change is hard

Change is hard

This morning before leaving for work I was enjoying a cup of coffee with The Thinking Chick (the new nickname for my wife by my colleagues). We were discussion a video created by one of Chad Bates‘ students in class. Me: “It’s a great video! And think how much more she’s going to remember about Excel. Way more then she […]

Putting the I in change

Putting the I in change

To often I hear educators make remarks about change. Either about that it’s too much, too fast, too often, or the more famous one, “Here we go again.” For some reason, some educators do not see the I in change. The school can change, teaching can change, students can change, as long as I don’t have to change. How do […]

Dear Administrators

Dear Administrators

Please watch this video If you don’t understand what Chris is talking about, you’re out of touch. If you think you know what Chris is talking about you need to surround yourself with people who understand this type of transformation. If you sill think schools don’t need to change, can’t change or that your school is a “good school”. Your […]