Communicating from the classroom

Communicating from the classroom

As a technology person you don’t always get to decide where you are going to start with teachers. In fact, most of the time the teachers tell you where you are going to start. Hence my focus on parent communication. Many teachers are looking at using blogs as a way to communicate with their parent communities. Now, before I go […]

Parent Communication: From Print to Digital

Parent Communication: From Print to Digital

Over the last couple of years I have helped numerous teachers set up blogs, wikis, and just plain old html pages to be used to communicate with parents. As some point teachers always ask: “So, I can just copy and paste my newsletter right here?” You can, but you shouldn’t Newsletters do not transfer well to the web. Well, as […]

America….you just don't get it!

America….you just don't get it!

From Math Tests For Five-Year-Olds? The experiment could involve tests as long as 90 minutes and change reading assessments for kindergartners through second-graders in the nation’s biggest school system, where Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration has embraced testing. The approach dismays some parents and educators who see it as mechanizing education. Show me one piece of research that says a […]

I think she's on to something….

I think she's on to something….

I love the fact that there’s no definite beginning or end, which acknowledges the fact that all teachers come to a school with different history and different needs. Not everyone will need to start with “full collaboration” when they come to ISB because they might have already done something like that at a previous school. Nice work Kim! Read the […]

Know what you want

Know what you want

Here’s what I find so cool about the Elementary Principal and VP here at ISB. A week before school starts the admin team decides to add another 5th grade classroom. Which, for those of you that are not international educators, is not a recommended plan of action. First, all international teachers are already starting their new jobs in new schools, […]

A wiki of educational software

A wiki of educational software

After my post about moving to a new school and having a Mac for the first time in 10+ years, I received more suggestions of software that I needed then I ever thought I would. I’m still going through the list and of course installing and uninstalling software as I try things out and find what I really need. I […]

Focusing on reading in the 21st Century

Focusing on reading in the 21st Century

Off to a great year at ISB. I find myself starting our fourth week of school and still standing…which is a good thing. The elementary school is focusing on two content areas this year. Reading and Science. What does reading look like in the year 2008-2009? As I’ve been training students on the new laptops these first couple of weeks […]

EduBlogger '08

EduBlogger '08

The EduBlogger Event kicks off today! Join me and people way smarter than me as we talk about different topics related to education and technology. Should be brain hurting fun!

Wetpaint lifts 40 file upload cap for Educators

Wetpaint lifts 40 file upload cap for Educators

(Full Disclosure: I am an Educational Ambassador for When I met with Wetpaint this summer they asked me what were a couple of things they could change right now to make a difference. We brainstormed what would be easy to change and which items would take time and programing. The easiest thing it turned out what giving educators more […]