Learning 2.008! It really is going to be this much fun!

Jeff Utecht has been sharing his thoughts on education and educational technology here since 2005
Learning 2.008! It really is going to be this much fun!
I’m going to remix some ideas from Gapingvoid. I do encourage you to read the entire post with an eye on education. It seems to me that in any school, large or small, you can divide the people into three broad categories. 1. The “Changers”. These are the educators who use their work as a platform to “Change The World”. […]
What does this mean? When a News Agency uses Twitter to release breaking news. And they are following some 1500 people. What does this mean about gathering the news? Have we once again collapsed the time of when an event is happening and when news break? I keep thinking about how I could have used Twitter when we had an […]
Yes we try and make the Learning 2.008 Educational Technology conference a little different each year. We don’t just talk about changing the was we teach and learn, we try and model it as well. We don’t always succeed but it’s about taking risks and pushing ourselves as educators. We can not expect educators to go to a conference where […]
Monday night while in Manila I had the privileged to Skype into the first day or school for elementary teachers at Chets Creek Elementary. By far this was the highlight of my trip to Manila and really I just happened to be in Manila it could have been from anywhere. Melanie Holtsman contacted me about a week ago and asked […]
I had two great days in Manila spending time with the EARCOS team looking at how technology and the web can help to streamline some of their internal practices and also looked at how EARCOS can use technology at both it’s Administrator and Teacher conferences to help connect participants. Up until now, the team at EARCOS has been sending a […]
I woke up this morning to find myself in Manila. You know, one of those you roll over open your eyes and can’t remember where you are mornings. I’m just getting use to waking up in our new home in Bangkok and I’m off to Manila to do some consulting work with EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools). […]
I use to look over people’s blogs that had del.icio.us post linking to all the things they bookmarked that day. I use to think that this was a waste of my time, that those links are just links. Then I actually started reading some. Which lead to clicking on some. Which now has me waiting for people like Dean and […]
Can you name the software that was used to meet this outcome? Does it matter? Or will the students be able to take that skill and apply it to other audio software in the future?
Thanks to everyone who replied to my last post about the Mac software I should install on my computer….keep the programs coming! On Thursday a lot the teachers asked me if I could help them learn how to use the Mac. Most of the new teachers coming in this year are coming from PC school and are new to the […]