Where are the comments?

Where are the comments?

The conversation that has been going on around Twitter over at Utechtips.com both here and here has lead to other e-mails and discussions around building networks and specifically how do you get people to comment on your blog? The problem is….you can’t make people comment. What you can do is write compelling blog posts that make people want to leave […]

Brain Rules presentation and another summer read

Brain Rules presentation and another summer read

Found this great presentation at Presentation Zen today. A blog that every educator should read. We are…at are core presenters and this blog keeps you honest. Check out this presentation made specifically for the web on a book called Brian Rules. | View | Upload your own After watching this I’ve added it to my summer book list. Tags: books, […]

Back from Digital Darkness 2008

Back from Digital Darkness 2008

I’m just getting back to things this morning after taking me week of Screen Free Time off. The first thing I did this morning was turn on my computer and start iTunes to download all the podcasts I missed last week. Interesting, I didn’t realize that was the first thing I would do until I did it. What does that […]

Screen Free Week

Screen Free Week

Dear Thinking Stick Readers, Well, it’s that time again. From April 21st- April 27th Jeff will be participating in the annual “Screen Free Week.” If you remember from last year’s post, this is Jeff’s ‘voluntary’ participation in taking control of the screens in his life by turning them off for seven days. For seven days, Jeff will only use screens […]

A Rant: Podcasts, Education, Free Content

A Rant: Podcasts, Education, Free Content

I spent a good hour last night before recording the SOS Podcast for the week surfing the iTunes Podcast area. If you are a teacher in ANY subject area and haven’t at least considered using podcasts to augment your curriculum and teaching then you’re missing a huge opportunity. The wealth of knowledge there is amazing. My best find of the […]

The wheels are spinning at SAS

The wheels are spinning at SAS

We all know what happens when you get administrators that understand this Web 2.0 stuff. Shift happens! Andy Torris a good friend of mine, fellow Gourmet Geek, and oh yeah Deputy Superintendent at our school has the wheels a spinning on what Web 2.0 can mean for a school community. We had a great conversation starter today. What Andy and […]

School of thought or School of fact?

School of thought or School of fact?

Yesterday I spent the day in 9th grade Asian History classes recording conversations that we are sharing with a 12th grade Asian History class in Atlanta, Georgia. I’ve set up a Google Site (more to play with then anything) as a way to share files back and forth. You can see listen to and see the questions from both classes […]

Blogs in Student-Led Conferences

Blogs in Student-Led Conferences

Let me start this post with a disclaimer. There are a million ways to use blogs in education. The following is just one way we are using blogs at SAS. As my time winds down here at SAS I find myself reflecting on the past three years and keep asking myself: Did I leave a mark? I think we all […]

WordPress 2.5, my plugins, and a new look

WordPress 2.5, my plugins, and a new look

I spent this past week playing around with WordPress 2.5. A great release that loads faster, a new admin side that I love and some new themes to play with. So let me know what you think…I’m still testing it on all browsers and there an issue at the very bottom with the about part sliding down the page. But […]