Learning 2.008 Conference Information

Learning 2.008 Conference Information

http://learning2cn.ning.com/ REGISTRATION OPEN Apply to be a presenter When: September 18th-20th Where: SCIS-Hongquio Conference Registration: EARCOS/ACAMIS schools ($250) Non-EARCOS/ACAMIS schools ($350) Hotel Information Hotel registration is the responsibility of the registrant Visa Information Conference Schedule BETA Grab the official conference badge for your site <a href=”http://learning2cn.ning.com/” title=”Learning 2.008 Conference”><img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3005/2391290681_aaafb50a7f_o.png” width=”200″ height=”330″ alt=”@2008sidebar” /></a>

Stages of PLN adoption

Stages of PLN adoption

David Warlick wrote a post the other day about being able to zip up or turn off your Personal Learning Network (PLN). I too have been thinking about how one goes about starting a PLN, how do you monitor it, and how do you learn to shut it off. We all continue to push teachers to start PLNs if they […]

The Game

The Game

I lay there half awake thinking about The Game. Ball hit to your left, man on first….under hand to second. Ball hit deep in the hole, back hand, plant and throw….the guy’s quick so it needs to be on a line. Man on third ball hit down the line….stop the ball no matter what it takes, look him back and […]

Who's Controlling your profile?

Who's Controlling your profile?

Have you ever been giving a presentation or talking to someone and all of a sudden you say something that makes you stop and think. I do it quite often actually and most of the time these turn into blog posts as is this one. My last session at EARCOS I was all fired up with a standing room only […]

EARCOS Teachers Conference – All over but the flight

EARCOS Teachers Conference – All over but the flight

I have a lot of random thoughts about the EARCOS Teacher’s Conference this year….so if these seem like disconnected ideas/ramblings/thoughts….it’s because they are. The first morning we were here, I picked up the Newspaper that was slipped under our door and flipped through it real quick. The front page had the Prime Minister of Malaysia talking about the general election […]

Why Not take a risk?

Why Not take a risk?

If I was asking my teachers to take a risk in their own classroom, then I felt I needed to show that I too was willing to take a risk with my presentation and push myself to try something new.

Moving from Consumer to Producer of Information

Moving from Consumer to Producer of Information

(A blog post I wrote to 11th graders and to myself) Some interesting research has come out in the past couple of months that looks at the use of social networks and blogging and the trends that are happening in society today. Nearly half of 18-24 year old social networkers (45%) told Future Laboratory researchers that if they had 15 […]

Words that define your online presence

Words that define your online presence

I told you this blog was one to follow, and have your students follow as well. The TOK blog (Theory of Knowledge) is up and running and the kids are already posting stuff that I’m bookmarking left and right. Take this as an example. Sou an 11th Grader who gives suggestions for how to handle your online presence. With all […]

Risk takers and podcasts

Risk takers and podcasts

We had a great conversation last Thursday night on the Shifting Our Schools (SOS) podcast. We ran about an hour and one thing I love about running my own podcast is I get to determine the length. As long as the conversation is good…let audacity roll! 🙂 At one point in the show we start talking about teachers and what […]

Explain the experiement

Explain the experiement

I have been working with Carol Jordan a science teacher here at my school for most of the year on different projects. At the beginning of the year she invited me into her IB Theory of Knowledge class (TOK) to give a presentation on the Connectivism Theory of Learning. From that moment on we’ve been working together on a number […]