Student created web sites

Student created web sites

Our high school digital media class has been creating some great work. Simon May (who will soon have a blog of his own) has done a great job of allowing the students to create their own assignments around digital media. Early in the year Simon had the students come up with a name for the site and then purchased the […]

When we only see 1/3

When we only see 1/3

Too often technology is an iceberg within our schools. It is easy to focus on the one-third sticking out of the water. The part that is beautiful to look at, that draws us in and makes us go WOW: the Internet, the laptops, the LCD projects, the SmatBoards. Yes from on top of the water it looks amazing. How can […]

Just in time learning

Just in time learning

(Cross Posted on As a technology support person at my school, my job is to help teachers with both the how and the why of technology. The vast amount of tools available for use today on the web makes it virtually impossible to know it all. Although I continue to research and use new tools, trying to know everything […]

Shifting Our Schools (SOS) podcast

Shifting Our Schools (SOS) podcast

Last night we recorded our third episode of the Shifting Our Schools podcast. A podcast started by David Carpenter and I a couple weeks ago. David and I have been planning the podcast since about September on a Google Doc. A huge thanks to David who has done most of the behind the scenes work on lining up guests, working […]

Why I love the Internet

Why I love the Internet

Sometimes I forget just how cool the Internet is! 11pm Thursday night: Wife and I are sick of being cold (apartment at 14C-57F) decide to book trip if possible to some place warm (yes I know…cold is relative and remember we lived in Saudi Arabia before here). 7:45am Friday: E-mail travel agent looking for any last minute deals to “someplace […]

Finding Something 'Different'

Finding Something 'Different'

When I resigned from my current position back in December, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. All that I knew was that I wanted to do something ‘different’. Defining what ‘different’ was took time and reflection. I don’t think I can recall all the different things I thought about doing (although I […]

Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

Evaluating the use of technology in a classroom environment is not something most administrators are trained to do. It is easy to walk into a classroom and see that every student is using a computer, but how do you really assess if and what type of learning is taking place? In the past, I have had administrators tell me “I […]

Teachers as blogging models

Teachers as blogging models

I held a professional development session after school back in October around my K12online conference presentation Sustaining Blogging in the Classroom. I only had two teachers show up. Two teachers who have started blogging this year and were interested in taking it deeper and really making it meaningful to student learning. Basically I told the teachers that you must model […]

Teachers and Technology

Teachers and Technology

My last post included the picture above around my thoughts about what makes a well rounded teacher in the 21st Century. I put the word Technology in the circle without defining exactly what that means. It was great to see commenters pick up on this fact. My point in doing this (I think) was to look at how we define […]