If we want it to be just what we do…then it needs to be just what we expect!

Jeff Utecht has been sharing his thoughts on education and educational technology here since 2005
If we want it to be just what we do…then it needs to be just what we expect!
Today I found out just what a vacation will do to you. I spent 4 hours helping some 34 9th graders start new blogs, and I no longer have a voice. We’ve run wordpressmu were we have over 600 4th-12th grade students blogging (School of 2900ish K-12). Students only set up blogs once a teacher contacts one of the educational […]
Finished! Thank you to everyone who gave feedback over the five posting about a 21st Century Tech plan. I have been rethinking, reworking, and rewriting based on the comments left on the blog posts and created this 21 page PDF document that brings it all together. Planning for 21st Century Technologies I hope it is useful to someone! Update: This […]
Over the past three weeks, I’ve been asked by a number of administrators in the international world for a list of skills and questions for interviewing potential teaching candidates. The recruiting season for International teachers starts here very soon and schools who have decided to make 21st Century Learning a priority are looking for a checklist of sorts to find […]
Any of you that thought teaching students to follow copyright laws in your country were difficult. From techcrunch: On a more positive note a Beijing appeals court ruled that Baidu was not guilty of copyright infringement for posting links to websites that offer illegal music downloads. Baidu offers music search on its front page and the service is often cited […]
I can’t believe it’s been that long since I posted and yet I’m glad I took the time off. It is good to disconnect once in awhile, to reflect on ones life and to spend time with family. My mom and dad flew in on Dec. 14 for their first visit every to China. Of course I set up a […]
While sitting in a taxi the other day I noticed that the taxi had installed new media ad machines on the back side of the passenger seat. So if you are sitting in the back of a taxi this is what you see. Pretty cool! You can touch one of the icons at the button and it plays you the […]
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks in our house. For those of you who are overseas teachers you’ll know what I’m talking about. For those who are not…let me set the scene. International recruiting fairs start the first of January. Which means schools need to know what jobs to go recruiting for before then. So in December, teachers need […]
Yesterday the Edublog Award winners were announced and what a proud moment for Shanghai American School, Jason Welker, and the 140+ students who over the past two years have helped to create a fantastic wiki. There’s a story here that I believe needs to be told and one that makes me very proud that I get an opportunity to work […]
David Warlick posted about an e-mail he received from Scott Mooney: In the room were 20 or so 19-20 year-olds, most with their own laptops, mobile phones, iPods, living in the world that we talk about all the time. During my talk, I brought up the present and future of modern tools, such as Web 2.0 and virtual worlds. I […]