Blogging, Classrooms, Clarence

Blogging, Classrooms, Clarence

Today I sat down with the 8th grade team who asked me to come in and talk about blogging. All 8th graders have blogs and all of the teachers now how blog. But “Now what?” I’ve only listened to half of Clarence Fisher’s Keynote for the k12online conference (Don’t want to ruin the LAN party fun!). He touches on how […]

Tech Plan Part 1

Tech Plan Part 1

It seems in the past month I have read about, have had e-mails from, or read twitter messages looking at creating or at least revisiting their school technology plans. I guess the 3 year plans are coming do, or schools are starting to understand that the technology plan written in the late 90’s or even early 2000’s will not work […]

K12online and Shanghai LAN Parties

K12online and Shanghai LAN Parties

The K12online Conference kicks off today with a Pre-Conference Keynote from David Warlick. I haven’t watched it yet but plan to later today as I make final adjustments to our K12online Shanghai LAN Parties. This year we even have our own wiki site and once again have planned four 3 hour sessions where we will bring the conference local. Our […]

Back from Western China

Back from Western China

I’ve actually been back for a couple of days, but hit the ground running getting in at midnight and having to full on PD days and friends visiting from the States and then Dubai. Kashgar was wonderful. Different people, different culture. We had to keep reminding ourselves that we were in China and had not actually left the country. You […]

Off to explore Western China-Kashgar

Off to explore Western China-Kashgar

We celebrated the Moon Festival earlier this week, and next week we get 3 days off of school for Chinese National Day (Think Independence day in your country). It’s been a heck of a start to the school year, with little time to blog, do deep thinking and reflecting or get the stuff done I want to and on time. […]

Friendship from a counselor I know

Friendship from a counselor I know

Just wanted to share this cool project my wife just finished up with her 4th Graders around friendship! She did 99% of it on her own…it’s been an interesting week at our house as she’s been the one staying up to midnight working. In the end a great product. Proud of you Sweets! [tags]friendship[/tags] Technorati Tags: friendship, counseling

Embedding the tool is only the first part!

Embedding the tool is only the first part!

I had the comments from my last post on embedding technology running around in my head today as I walked by the 5th grade classrooms where the technology this year is as close to embedded as you can fine. Teachers have a laptop, the students are in a 1 laptop for every 2 student environment…every teacher and student has a […]

I don't want to integrate it, I want to embed it!

I don't want to integrate it, I want to embed it!

The word integrate gets on my nerves. Maybe I feel it’s been over used, or used in the wrong way when we talk about how we want technology to affect teaching and learning. What I technology to be embedded into the classroom. Into the learning environment. I am tired of trying to integrate it into a process, a classroom, […]

WiZiQ and a twitter experiment

WiZiQ and a twitter experiment

If you follow me on twitter than you probably don’t need to read this post…but for those that are still not connected into the twitter network here’s a little fun we had last night. When Sheryl was here visiting we were talking about a new free tool for virtual classrooms like Elluminate but only free. She put a link in […]

Brain Dump for the week

Brain Dump for the week

Learning 2.0 was a great success, but now I’m left with the aftermath of catching up with work, and at the same time now supporting teachers who are excited about using all these new tools….what have I created? 🙂 (Don’t let it fool ya…I love every minute of it!) So I have way too much on my mind and think […]