Final thoughts on Learning 2.0 in Shanghai

Final thoughts on Learning 2.0 in Shanghai

It’s been two days now since the conference ended and I have purposefully not posted my last reactions to the conference to allow my brain time to soak up, rearrange, and make sense of what just happened. The most important aspect that I think came out of this conference was the formation of a community. The presenters where great, but […]

How do you measure the success of a conference?

How do you measure the success of a conference?

Today as Wes twitted…was long…exciting…brain hurting…fun. The conference seems to be going pretty well…but then again those that aren’t enjoying it usually do not come up to you and say, “This conference sucks.” when they know you are helping to organize it. I’ve prepared a survey for conference goers to fill out for tomorrow, our last day of the conference, […]

And we're off….

And we're off….

The first night of the Learning 2.0 conference has come to an end…and I’ve actually finished my presentation tomorrow…if you can call it a presentation. We’re really pushing for conversations during this conference. Twitter and Ning are allowing that to happen. It’s been interesting to watch as teachers start to understand how these two sites are being used and what […]

Online Safety – Videos that get 'em

Online Safety – Videos that get 'em

Clarence Fisher of Remote Access is starting his year off with some assignments on Internet Safety. It’s great to see a classroom teacher take responsibility for the online safty of their students by talking about this new wild web. Talking about Internet safety is easy, but is it affective? Having a classroom discussion about how to be safe on the […]

A second look at zoho

A second look at zoho

A couple weeks ago I found a post by Tim Lauer where he described some web forms that he was creating using Zoho. It’s been a while since I played with Zoho and I have to say they’ve done some gerat improvements from the last time I was on the site. I played around the other night with Zoho Creator. […]

It's not about Web 2.0 it's about learning!

It's not about Web 2.0 it's about learning!

Today I had the pleasure of doing a short presentation for our IB Theory of Knowledge class. I was invited in to give a lesson on how knowledge is changing in the 21st century. My first thought was “How do I tell students knowledge has changed, when they already know that?” I set up 3 Skype accounts for students to […]

Learning 2.0 Conference 10 Days and counting

Learning 2.0 Conference 10 Days and counting

Ten days and counting until the Learning 2.0 conference. I’ve spent the past two days putting the finishing touches on the conference schedule. I do wish I was attending this conference and not helping to create it. There are some great sessions I’ll make sure I post a link to the schedule once it’s up on the conference site. I […]

Fear + Unknown = Bubble

Fear + Unknown = Bubble

Some great discussion from the e-mail I posted from a former student of mine who is finding his new school more restrictive than what we had in place here last year. I say last year because we have tightened the belt a little on students here. He was also in my class last year and hacked up our themes […]

What we do when we put them in a bubble

What we do when we put them in a bubble

An e-mail from a student I had last year and has moved (Posted with permission). He’s in 9th Grade: We have alot more academic freedom here, and there areseveral computer cliubs that I can choose from, but the school has put somepretty unreasonable restrictions on computer usage. I’m starting to feel abit tech-deprived. Here are the rules on the library […]