Fear Factor

Fear Factor

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about fear and the fear some educators grown-ups have about technology. When did we stop exploring? When did it all of a sudden become dangerous to click on something on our computer that we really don’t know what might happen? Is it do to viruses? Or are we just afraid that […]

Nothing like Sunday night fun

Nothing like Sunday night fun

I had a great time last night. I’ve loaded Skype on my wife’s new laptop, we sat on the couch together and I showed her how it works. We work at the same school, but our offices are on the complete opposite sides of the campus, so I thought this could be a great way for us stay in touch […]

No rest for the weary

No rest for the weary

Not sure why I continue to try to do it all. You would think I would learn not to bite off more than I can chew and not leave any time for blog reading or writing. However, I have done it again so bear with me for the next couple of weeks as I try to get things under control. […]

Putting them in a bubble

Putting them in a bubble

I had a lively conversation the other day with some Ed Tech folks on what students should be able to do and access at school. This of course is one of my favorite topics with Middle School students…they are about the only age brave enough and stand up and say…”Your generation has it wrong.” Crazy Kids…don’t they know we know […]

Books are good too

Books are good too

My wife and I just finished the 7th and final Harry Potter book this weekend and all I can keep thinking is…this is why books will never go away. I’ve been accused of being a hater of books from time to time. I push the digital, digital is what I do and therefore it is what I preach. Nevertheless, reading […]

8 Random Things…

8 Random Things…

I’ve been tagged a couple of times now for the 8 Random Things meme that’s been going around. Guess that means I better put them up and tag some others. 1. After 5 years of not owning a car…we bought one this summer. 2. The 6 weeks that was my summer I never spent more than 5 nights in the […]

IETP Form Share and Share a like

IETP Form Share and Share a like

A couple people have asked for the IETP we created for our teachers. I love it when I actually create something that I can share back to the community that gives me so much. I did take it off our letterhead and add a Creative Commons license to it. Please use and if you remix it…please share with others. Technorati […]

Getting my ducks in a row

Getting my ducks in a row

Thank you to everyone who commented and read my last post…the comments meant a lot to me (they always do) I guess that’s part of the reason why we all blog…that feeling we’re not alone. That we’re not insane in thinking the way we think…feel the way we feel. I still remember reading Warlick for the first time and saying […]

Refocusing on what matters

Refocusing on what matters

There was a point this summer not long after NECC that I started wondering if I was doing the right thing. Are we barking up the wrong tree? It hit me as I sat in the car one day looking at a bunch of people waiting at a bus stop. As I sat at the red light I starting thinking […]