Back in Shanghai!

Back in Shanghai!

and writing a post at techlearning…check out some of the latest pics at well. Feels good to be home! [tags]Shanghai, techlearning[/tags] Technorati Tags: Shanghai, techlearning

New bloggers and 5 days to China

New bloggers and 5 days to China

Can’t believe it’s been 10 days since I posted a blog entry. It’s been good though…spent 3 days in San Diego visiting my sister-in-law and time with family and friends over the other days has made it worth being disconnected. The time I have been online has been focused on the graduate course I’m teaching for Plymouth State University. The […]

One of those moments

One of those moments

So Yesterday I get done writing about how society and our use of networks and technology is why school need to change and headed out to do some shopping and get some pictures printed off for family and friends. We’ve been living overseas now for 5 (going on 6) years. Every summer when we return on holiday we find that […]

Pedagogy defines School 2.0 (revisited)

Pedagogy defines School 2.0 (revisited)

I was reading Will’s post today It’s Not Just the “Read/Write” Web and then thanks to twitter John Pederson’s post on Networks (I think that’s what it’s on anyway). As I read I started thinking about a post I did back in January on defining School 2.0. Not sure if it’s OK to quote yourself but back then I wrote: […]

My aggregator of choice

My aggregator of choice

Pat Kennedy left a comment yesterday on the RSS in Plain English post. Which aggregator is conducive to a classroom environment Bloglines or Google Reader? Organizing feeds by disciplines is important to me. Are they advertisement free? There are a lot of great aggregators out there finding one that is right for you and your students is like shopping for […]

Vacation, Class, Collaboration

Vacation, Class, Collaboration

I’ve been back from NECC for a couple of days and back into the Mariners having gone to their last two games of the home stand the last couple of days. I’ve been taking it easy this week before my graduate course starts next week for Plymouth State University. It’s my first time teaching a graduate level course and I’m […]

NECC07: All over but the flight

NECC07: All over but the flight

As I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight to leave, I’m reflecting on “what just happened?” I’ve been thinking about my experience at this year’s conference compared to last years. In my eyes I don’t even think you can compare the two. Maybe it was my outlook on the conference…but I think it has to do more […]

From Hand It In to Publish It: Re-Envisioning Our Classrooms

From Hand It In to Publish It: Re-Envisioning Our Classrooms

Presenter Will Richardson Skype notes: 11 people [7:29:17 AM] Jeff Utecht says: OK can you see this?[7:29:28 AM] Chris Lehmann says: yep.[7:29:33 AM] Jeff Utecht added John Pederson to this chat[7:29:38 AM] Jeff Utecht says: John?[7:29:46 AM] John Pederson says: here[7:30:17 AM] Brian Crosby says: OK here I am[7:31:29 AM] Jeff Utecht added Darren Draper to this chat[7:31:48 AM] Jeff […]

Drupal: Content Management for the Web 2.0 World

Drupal: Content Management for the Web 2.0 World

Presenter: Brett Hinton an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) You can set Drupal to allow sign up without a e-mail….that’s a good thing for schools who do not have student e-mail accounts. Drupal allows you to have a wiki, blog, podcasts all in one CMS system. I really like drupal but need to spend some more time setting it […]

My Thoughts: Tuesday at NECC

My Thoughts: Tuesday at NECC

What a day! Like yesterday’s post there was way to much information for my brain to process all in one day but here is random thoughts that I’m still wrestling with. Skype Notes: Below you can read the notes that 5 of us took via a session this morning. To be honest the session wasn’t all that good…but Skype allowed […]