What’s involved in a Virtual Learning Communities? Conversations A central Hub for students a “Jumping off point” What makes a community?-Shared Values A virtual settlement? What does a successful community look like? -Communication-Welcoming-Gotta be two way How do you engage people in a learning community? What is trust? How do you build trust? Who do you trust? Is how we […]
EduBloggerCon: Future of Schools
David Warlick hosting: Introductions Conversation around getting pre-service teachers on board and changing teacher prep programs. Conversation on what SHOULD schools look like today: Schools, Teachers, Students Long Tail eduction (more on this later): A Doug Johnson thought. “The tools don’t change the skills.” Great conversation….look for the podcasts. Tools are accessible, a shift of thought needed. Conversation around assessment. […]
EduBloggerCon: Second Life session
Live notes from EduBloggerCon Second Life Session: Signed up two new SL members! Introductions and talking about how we all got hooked on SL. Great stories on how people got here, what they are doing. Interesting how different people started using SL. Some followed others, some have been in for years and have just now re-started using it. Others (like […]
Ready for NECC!
Check list: NECC Planner synced with Google Calendar synced with Palm Desktop synced with Palm: CHECK! Batteries for camera charged: CHECK! Laptop charged, polished up, and ready for heavy blogging: CHECK! Ready to be geeky for 5 day: CHECK! Looks like I’m ready to go…only problem is I’m still sitting at the airport where my red eye has been delayed […]
Support: A two prong approach
(I usually don’t cross post here what I publish at techlearning.com, but I wanted to get some feedback on this idea of mine so thought I’d post it here as well.) There is one thing about growing up in an education family. Education talk is easy to come by. I made it back to Spokane, Washington last week and have […]
10 things to remember about blogging
Yehuda a blog out of Israel has nice 10 item list of things to remember about blogging. It’s titled: How I Became a Professional Blogger. Not sure at what point a blogger becomes a professional blogger but I like his list. 1. Have something to offer2. Pick a subject that you’re passionate about3. Don’t be afraid of failing4. Make blogging […]
I don't get fax machines
The past 4 days I swear I’ve done nothing but send faxes. Why is that? What makes a fax so much more secure than an e-mail with a digital secure PDF document? It’s frustrating really. It’s hard to find a fax machine anymore and I’ve ended up spending over $10 faxing stuff to people. When I asked a university person […]
Teacher Talk
I’ve been spending a lot of time offline lately. We’ve been in the States for about a week and have been spending time talking with friends and family. It’s been good spending time disconnected and connecting with people we only see for a couple weeks each summer. On Saturday my mother had an end of the year staff party for […]
Twitter a different conversation
Last week while at the Second Life ISTE social hour someone brought up Twitter and “I don’t get it.” So I took it upon myself to try and explain what makes Twitter so….should I say addicting. I tried…and failed horribly, but it has had me thinking these past couple days, what is it about Twitter that makes it so interesting. […]
NECC Bloggers and session specific tags
NECC has set up their bloggers page, a great list of people blogging the conference. If you’re not on the list, no worries (I wasn’t last year) you can still blog. Just make sure you tag your posts with necc, necc07, necc2007. NECC has also done something else cool this year. They have given each session its own tag, so […]