Panel Forum: New Tools, New Schools: Starting the Conversation about Web 2.0

Panel Forum: New Tools, New Schools: Starting the Conversation about Web 2.0

My Screen during this session [9:21:56 AM] Jeff Utecht added Brian Crosby to this chat[9:22:11 AM] Jeff Utecht added Vinnie Vrotny to this chat[9:22:27 AM] Jeff Utecht says: Let’s do it![9:22:48 AM] David Jakes says: This should  be very interesting[9:23:15 AM] Vinnie Vrotny says: and now we know why so many kids are being diagnosed with add[9:23:31 AM] Jeff Utecht […]

School 2.0 : Technology and the Future of Schools

School 2.0 : Technology and the Future of Schools

Presenter Timothy Magner School 2.0 website. (A must read!) Cell phones allow you to call a person not a place 65.4% of U.S. population own cell phones. Average U.S. home has 26 different media devices Wired teen population surges at the 7th grade 44% of boys 79% of girls online in 6th grade e-mail is a fixture -IM is preferred […]

My Thoughts: Monday at NECC

My Thoughts: Monday at NECC

There has been so much learning going on the last couple of days. I’m trying to work through it all, but my main processor (my brain) is running slow trying to understand what all this new knowledge, new thinking means. Why are we afraid of failure? We teach our kids that we learn through failure but when it comes to […]

Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society

Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society

Presenter Mitchel Resnick People complain about schools but not about Kindergarden. Creative learning spiral ImagineCreatePlayShareReflectImagine Develop technology with a Low Floor and High CeilingsDevelop technology with Wide Walls Telling some great stories of what students have created through a MIT program. Iceland, Singapore, US. Amazing products! Showing off Scratch (If you haven’t downloaded and played with the program…do it! Actually […]

Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation

Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation

(Doug Johnson’s session is over flowing. People standing out side looking in. I am sitting in the Blogger Cafe while David Jakes has a front row seat in the session. He is taking his notes in Skype. I’m copying the notes here as a blog post about the session….exactly what Doug is talking about.) Doug Johnson Crap detector 10 tech […]

NECC07: A Computer on Every Desk? Now What?

NECC07: A Computer on Every Desk? Now What?

(Late to the session…breakfast with Tim Lauer worth it!) Presenter James Gate Talking about how great Moodle. (I’m a huge Moodle fan…but if you use Blackboard that good too…I really don’t care what you use as long as you use something!) -Use the blog feature in Moodle with tags to take notes in class. Great idea! connect the two […]

Welcome To The Bigs!

Welcome To The Bigs!

Just back from the ballgame at Turner Field. What a great park! There was a sign in right center that read “Welcome To The Bigs!” That’s what I feel like so far being here at NECC. This is the Bigs! I did find out thought that you can’t take a bunch of geeks to a ball game and not talk […]

Edubloggercon07 a success!

Edubloggercon07 a success!

Ever wonder what your aggregator would look like in person? Now you know. 🙂 This picture pretty much sums up the edubloggercon today. What a great way to start the conference! So much to think about that my head hurts…of course the 3 hours of sleep on the red eye last night might have something to do with that as […]

EdBloggerCon: Virtual Learning Communities

EdBloggerCon: Virtual Learning Communities

What’s involved in a Virtual Learning Communities? Conversations A central Hub for students a “Jumping off point” What makes a community?-Shared Values A virtual settlement? What does a successful community look like? -Communication-Welcoming-Gotta be two way How do you engage people in a learning community? What is trust? How do you build trust? Who do you trust? Is how we […]

EduBloggerCon: Future of Schools

EduBloggerCon: Future of Schools

David Warlick hosting: Introductions Conversation around getting pre-service teachers on board and changing teacher prep programs. Conversation on what SHOULD schools look like today: Schools, Teachers, Students Long Tail eduction (more on this later): A Doug Johnson thought. “The tools don’t change the skills.” Great conversation….look for the podcasts. Tools are accessible, a shift of thought needed. Conversation around assessment. […]