Knowing Knowledge Highlights 56-64

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 56-64

From George Siemens’ Knowing Knowledge: Tools of individuality serve a greater good to society than tools of purely collective 56 When we experience knowledge in application, we leave theoretical understanding of knowledge. pg. 56 Our desires and logic are shaped in an orchestra of context: acting and reacting, negotiating and dialoguing. pg. 61 We value what is different more […]

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 46-55

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 46-55

From George Siemens’ Knowing Knowledge: Ultimately, whether online, face-to-face, or blended, learning and knowledge environments need to be democratic and diverse. A critical concept to keep in mind: The network and ecology must both be dynamic and capable of evolving, adapting, and responding to external change. pg. 47 Are our schools, and education in general, in a place that they […]

Shameless self promotion

Shameless self promotion

This is so strange for me to be writing. My first ever article to be actually published in print has come out this month in Technology & Learning. Although I haven’t actually seen the print version yet…others have told me that they actually did print it. I am not a writer and have never claimed to be. In fact I’m […]

Cyber Safety Conversations…when to begin

Cyber Safety Conversations…when to begin

Yesterday and today and continuing next week I have been having conversations with the 3rd and 4th graders in our school about cyber saftey and cyber bullying. Our school counselors are talking about it as part of their month focus on personal safety and wellness. I was approached over a candle dinner last weekend by the elementary school counselor who […]

The half life of Knowledge

The half life of Knowledge

From Tim Lauer: via In what Major League Baseball officials are calling a “long overdue correction of a gross oversight,” Commissioner Bud Selig announced Tuesday the discovery that Hall of Famer Hank Aaron had in fact accumulated 50 previously unaccounted-for home runs during his illustrious 22-year baseball career, bringing his once record total of 755 to an even higher […]

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 41-45

Knowing Knowledge Highlights 41-45

During TV Turn Off week I was able to spend some quality time with Knowing Knowledge. The recent book by George Siemens. Here are my highlights and thoughts: Learning is mess and chaotic pg. 41 A great line that Brian Crosby from the Learning is Messy blog talks about constantly. Learning is messy, chaotic and spontaneous…that’s why I love it! […]

Networks and Systems

Networks and Systems

I had a great all day meeting today with the rest of the Educational Technology Team. Missing our two newest members who will be joining us next year as new staff, but for the first time we had the whole Educational Technology Team together for a great conversation.Our school is in desperate need of a network overhaul. We started by […]

Back from Digital Darkness

Back from Digital Darkness

I’m returning this morning from my week of digital darkness. Although not complete darkness, enough so that the time away allowed me to refocus on what is important in life. My wife and I played Gin Rummy last night. The first time we’ve played in a really long time…it was nice. I’ve been disconnected before. Usually when on vacation and […]

Just Be

Just Be

Dear Readers, For those of you who are regular readers of The Thinking Stick, I offer my condolences. For the week of April 23rd-29th, Jeff Utecht will be unavailable to post any articles, respond to any inquiries, or leave any comments on your own blogs. This is due to his VOLUNTARY (well, almost) participation in the annual “TURNOFF WEEK” where […]